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BRP Magic World Quick Start Quide page 25


Magic World Quick-Start
Fire Elemental
STR 9 CON 12 SIZ 9 DEX 4 INT 5,
Hit Points: 11
Weapons: Flame Breath 50%, 1D10 per
round, Range 5.
Skills: Dodge 50%.
This is a very small fire elemental. The el-
emental will take 1 D6 HP per gallon of wa-
ter thrown on him.
Since the fire has been rekindled, the el-
emental has achieved a certain amount
of permanence. If destroyed, the fire el-
emental will regenerate at midnight of the
next full moon. To permanently destroy it
someone must either destroy the tower, or
cast Undo Sorcery 4 (although a Fey will be
able to rekindle it again, if one is given the
Alternatively, if the PCs do not have Mae-
gth with them, they might blunder into the
room anyway. Anyone entering the room
other than Aeled or Maegth will be attacked
by the elemental (or more appropriately,
anyone without fey blood entering the
room will be attacked).
Should Maegth not be with the party, but
she learns of the defeat of the ogre, she will
approach the group and ask them to help
her return the stone.
The elemental will attack by breathing flame
as soon as someone gets within range. An Idea
roll can be used to determine that the creature
in the fireplace is a fire elemental and that he
will only be hurt by water. Fortunately there is
a well in the base of the tower that can be used
as a source of dirty water. Several one gallon
leather buckets can be found around the house
if anyone looks for them. Alternatively, Maegth
can easily destroy the elemental with her water-
shaping power if anyone has taken the time to
The Fishsinger's Daughter
understand her powers, and suggests that she
do this.
End Matters
Once the River Stone is collected, the PCs will
have no difficulty in taking it to the Water Tow-
er. There it is easy to locate the basin and re-
turn the stone. Maegth will do her best to come
along, and if present she will draw fresh water
as her mother had always done and perform a
simple "morning" ritual of the Fishsinger. The
Rivermen will provide any help needed. With
the morning sun, the Fishsinger will emerge
from the river and return to her tower. She will
embrace her daughter and welcome any non-
Shadow aligned characters present, but she will
have no memories of recent events.
Once recent events are explained to her, she
will recognize that it is no longer safe for Mae-
gth to live with her, and that the girl must go
and live with her father amongst the mortals.
She will ask the PCs a favor, and request that
they escort Maegth to Shillingshead, and in-
troduce her to her true father's relatives. There
she assures them, Maegth will be welcome and
they will be rewarded.
Should the PCs rescue Maegth and make an
effort to understand what is going on, and to
set things right, they will be rewarded with +1
Light Alignment point. Further, taking the extra
effort to restore the Fishsinger is worth an ad-
ditional +1 Light Alignment point. Of course,
Shadow points could have been earned through
inappropriate behavior. The hunters are from a
minor house in Shillingshead. Rescuing them
will gain the PCs an invitation to their hospital-
ity when the PCs arrive, but this is outside the
scope of this adventure, though it could eas-
ily lead to other adventures. Additionally, they
will personally see that each PC is rewarded
with 750 BP as a sign of their gratitude. Like-
wise, Maegth's father's family will be grateful for
her rescue and will also offer both reward and
friendship to the PCs.

