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The Fishsinger's Daughter - BRP Magic World Quick Start Quide


Magic World Quick-Start

The Fishsinger's Daughter

A Short Adventure in the Southern Reaches for 4-6 beginning Magic World characters
CAUTION: Nothing that follows is intended for players, it is for the Chron-
icler only. If you are going to play this adventure, stop reading now.
Chronicler's Synopsis
What is going on
For centuries the Count of the Mists has been
scheming for the return of the Fey! Recently, he
has sent a number of ogres and other dark crea-
tures out to harass the mortals. This is the story
of one of them, an ogre named Aeled.
Along the White river there are small fishing
villages inhabited by the descendants of the
Purdagi pirates and their half-orc brides. Col-
lectively these fishermen are a nearly-lawless
group and the breeding grounds for highway-
men, brigands, and thieves. Still most of the
time, the fishermen are peaceful. Near one vil-
lage is, or was, the Fishsinger. She is, or was,
a magical naiad (a non-Fey water spirit) who
in the time when the fairies ruled the Parlin
Plains was the spirit of the river. With the ar-
rival of the mortals her domain had shrunk
and she had diminished until she was confined
to a short length of river and a small tower.
There she lived much as a mortal. Seventy
years ago when the fishermen came, she was
already reduced to living in her tower, and
along the nearby river. Each day she would
sing up an eel to sell to the fishermen. Even-
tually she was wooed by a mortal prince and
gave birth to a very magical mortal daughter
— the Fishsinger's daughter, Maegth. Years
The Fishsinger's Daughter
passed and Maegth grew to a young woman,
but this was before the ogre Aeled arrived.
About a month ago Aeled the Ogre arrived
near the Fishsinger's Tower. The first thing the
ogre did was take possession of the House on
Oak hill; a small abandoned structure with its
own magical connections. After "rekindling"
a fire elemental associated with the house, he
sets out to steal the river crystal that binds the
Fishsinger to the mortal world. Aeled placed
it in the fire elemental and causes the Fishs-
inger to "die." The fishermen, ignorant of her
immortal nature bury her body and consid-
er what to do with her daughter. Suddenly
Aeled appears to them, using glamour to take
the form of a human, claim to be her father
and the heir to the abandoned house on Oak
Hill. He befriends several unsavory charac-
ters in the fishing village, and invites them to
his new house — where he has taken up resi-
dence along with a small group of orcs. The
evil men, the orcs, and the ogre get along well.
They take to banditry, capturing two hunters
to ransom, and planning even greater mischief
while keeping Maegth as their slave.
Unknown to her captors, Maegth has deep
magical connections to water. One night while
fetching clean drinking water, she magically
traps her guard, escapes, and runs to the Riv-
ermen at Singers Landing. The Rivermen are
strong law-abiding people, but they do not

