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BRP Magic World Quick Start Quide page 26


Magic World Quick-Start
The Fishsinger, A Naiad
STR 18 CON 12 SIZ 5 DEX 15
INT 23 POW 28 APP 20
Move 10/26 swimming
Hit Points: 8
Damage Bonus: None
Spells: Animal Friendship (3), Bounty of the Sea (4), Breath of Life (1), Contribute to Truth
(1), Guide Water (4), Heal (2), Midnight (1), Moonrise (1), Scry (4), Sleep (1), Sorcerer's
Beauty (1)
The Fishsinger is a naiad, once free to roam the length of the White River, now she is trapped
to the mile or so centered on her tower. Her tower is a small fey structure left from the time
before the coming of mortals, and her daughter is the only mortal ever to reside there.
The Fishsinger's Bowl: The Fishsinger has a water bowl that she, and only she, uses with her
Scry spell. When she casts Scry on this bowl she can see anything happening on the White
River, or any of it tributaries. Further, she can ask the waters questions such as "have any of
you seen Prince Drum?", and if the prince has crossed any river or creek that feeds into the
White River, she will know about it. With this power the Fishsinger could be a useful ally in
future adventures.
The Fishsinger's Daughter

