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BRP Magic World Quick Start Quide page 11


Magic World Quick-Start
percentile die as described above, and a reg-
ular ten-sided die. Then simply add the two
numbers together. If the number you rolled
is less than or equal to the skill listed on your
character sheet, you have succeeded.
Example: Kris is rolling to see if her character
spots an elf sneaking up on her in a field of high
grass. She has a "Sense" skill of 45%. She rolls the
two dice, getting a 60 on the percentile die, and 3
on the ten-sided die. Adding them together, she
gets a total of 63, well over her skill of 45%. She
never sees the elf coming.
Generally, the Chronicler for your game tells
you when you can attempt a skill roll.
Additionally, when you successfully roll a
given skill, put a check mark in the box next
to it on your sheet. You can only get one check
per skill per game session. At the end of the
evening's session your Chronicler generally
will tell you to "roll for skill increases". At this
time, roll percentile dice against any checked
skills. If you roll over the value of the skill,
you can add 1D6 points to the skill's value. In
other words, the more you know about some-
thing, the harder it is to learn anything new,
or get any better.
Fights occur in combat rounds. The Chronicler
begins marking game time in combat rounds
whenever he thinks that a physical encounter
may start. Each combat round lasts about a few
seconds of game time, enough time for partici-
pants to start or complete at least one action.
When the combat round ends, the next one be-
gins. When an encounter concludes, marking
time in combat rounds stops. Within a com-
bat round, the Chronicler calls out the passing
DEX- ranks, the players roll the dice, and the
combatants wield their weapons. If attacking,
the player rolls D100 to see if the attack hit.
Defending, the player might decide to parry
or dodge, or hope that his Adventurer's armor
blocks any attack while the Adventurer does
How to Play
something else. If the attack succeeds, the de-
fending player rolls for any interposing armor.
The rules for combat in Magic World are
simple. When a combat occurs, all adventurers,
as well as characters and monsters controlled
by the Chronicler, act in order of their DEX
scores. The highest DEX goes first, followed
by the rest in descending order.
Statement of Intent
The Chronicler and players tell each other what
their characters generally intend to do in the
round. The player needs no statement of intent
to let an Adventurer parry, Dodge, or prepare a
weapon during the round. Actions always can
be canceled, and targets can be changed. Limit
intent to that which is logical — for instance, if
a player misses a skill roll which would have de-
tected an ambush, the Adventurer will not then
prepare for an ambush.
Play begins. Spells cast in the previous round
take effect first. Start new spells only in this
phase. Characters use magic in the order of

