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BRP Magic World Quick Start Quide page 17


Magic World Quick-Start
ter gave birth to Eel which was forever unloved
by River but prized on the dinner table of kings.
The Fishsinger is dead
The Rivermen say that every morning for as
long as anyone could remember the Fishsinger
would come out of her small tower with her fish
basket, walk to the edge of the river and sing.
One eel, charmed by her song, would swim into
her basket. Then, basket in hand she would row
her coracle across the river to the fishermen's
village where she would sell the eel for her daily
bread and the occasional bauble. Old-timers
say she has always been a young and attrac-
tive woman. Further, some years ago a prince
travelling up the river happened to meet her as
she crossed to the village. Smitten, he set about
wooing her, and succeeded. Unfortunately the
Fishsinger would not leave her tower, and even-
tually the prince had to return to his duties —
but not before leaving her with child, who is
now a young woman; Maegth. Just two weeks
ago the Fishsinger suddenly died. The locals
laid her to rest, and almost immediately, a man
claiming to be her father arrived. This unusual
and sinister man had a writ from Lord Beleghir
giving him title to the abandoned house on Oak
Hill, where he immediately took his daughter.
Angry Fishermen
The PCs are all making their way up the White
River from Lashingport to Shillingshead, the
largest inland settlement in the Southern
Reaches. Although it is only a one day trip down
the river to the sea, it can take keelboats several
days to go upstream. There are three small com-
munities along the trip where the Rivermen
camp with their keelboats for the night on the
upstream journey. The adventure begins at the
last of these landings before reaching Shillings-
head. Things start in the early evening after the
PCs have settled down at the tiny Singer's Land-
ing Inn that serves the needs of the few travelers
heading by boat upstream.
Two boats are at the landing, and both boat-
master's have come to the inn to catch-up on
The Fishsinger's Daughter
the news and gossip. It is just after nightfall
and everyone has finished their supper, and
talk has turned to the speculation about a pair
of missing hunters, the curious new neighbor
near the landing, and the unfortunate Fish-
singer's daughter. The PCs cannot help but
learn the following local gossip:
1. Two minor nobles who went inland on a
hunting expedition last week are now three
days overdue for their return.
2. The Fishsinger died two weeks ago, leaving
behind her daughter Maegth.
3. A sinister man named Aeled has moved
into the house on Oak Hill, and claimes to
be Maegth's father.
4. He has befriended the rowdy and lawless
young men of the fishing village just up-
At this point there is a commotion, the door
opens and in rushes the Fishsinger's daughter
pleading for help! She quickly says that she is
Maegth, The Fishsinger's Daughter
STR 12 CON 10 SIZ 8
INT 17 POW 18 APP 15
Hit Points: 9
Damage Bonus: none
Skills: Art (Sing) 53%, Dodge 34%, Fast
Talk 43%, Insight 40%, Nature 73%, Ora-
tory 33%, Physic 98%, Potions 48%, Track
Due to her magical heritage, Maegth is in-
herently a deep magician (See the upcom-
ing Advanced Magic supplement) but she
is untrained. Her sphere is Water, and her
Rune of Power is Direction, but since she is
untrained all she knows how to do is to sing
a 4 yard wall of water with 4 AP, and to do
basic water sculpting. These effects can last
18 minutes.
DEX 13

