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BRP Magic World Quick Start Quide page 13


Magic World Quick-Start
back. The hunting bow is made entirely of
wood, and found universally across the worlds
of fantasy. Dampness and rain stretch unpro-
tected bowstrings, warp arrows, and render
bows unusable.
Armor is essentially a kind of clothing stiff
enough to protect against attack. Most often
armorers make it of leather, bronze, and steel
in some combination. Like a shield, armor
is a barrier interposed between an attack and
the defender's body, but armor
hands free: strapped on, armor remains in place
so you do not have to think about it.
No armor is perfect. Plate armor (sheet steel
curved to fit the body) is the most protective,
but even it has plenty of chinks where the
separate parts meet or where the joints must
move. Armor without joints would be immo-
bile, like a block. Armor is better or worse in
different fashions. Every armorer tries to make
a light, strong armor, but working with steel
is difficult and expensive. The best is plate
armor, customized to the individual wearer.
Civilized places take the wearing of armor to
signify hostility.
Armor comes in SIZ. Depending on the sort
of armor, sometimes a suit of it may be worn
by a person slightly different in SIZ from the
person for whom the armor was made. A col-
umn on the weapons table shows what SIZ
will fit.
Because armor roll results vary widely, most
Adventurers also use shields for parrying. It
takes a mighty blow to penetrate both shield
and armor.
Soft Leather - The hide is as thick as heavy belt
leather and may be padded at points with more
layers. The leather is usually discontinuous,
covering the forearms, shins, and torso with
separate articles of armor. The leather skullcap
may be reinforced with metal ribbing. There
may be metal decoration, but it has no defen-
sive value.
How to Play
leaves both
Sorcery is a system for invoking supernatural
effects on the physical world through complex
occult formulas, formalized as spells. When
your character performs the proper ritual to ac-
tivate a sorcery spell, the specific type of magic
energy is released and has the desired effect.
Sorcery spells always activate, though they
may not be able to overcome the target's re-
sistance. Rarely is a roll required to activate
the spell, and there is no need for any special
targeting. Generally, the only chance of fail-
ure for sorcery spells is if the target's relevant
characteristic (usually POW) cannot be over-
come on the Resistance Table.
A sorcery spell's duration equals the cast-
er's POW in combat rounds. For example, a
character with POW 19 casts Sorcerer's Razor.
The spell takes one round to cast, then takes
effect in the Magic phase of the next round.
It lasts for 18 more combat rounds, and ex-
pires in the Magic phase of the 20th round.
Once cast, a sorcery spell needs no mainte-
nance, and continues in effect whether or not
the target moves out of range.

