Main Features Of The Nice Home Security Alarm System - Nice HSCU1 Instructions And Warnings For Installation And Use

Home security control unit
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3.4 - Main features of the Nice Home Security alarm system

To exploit the Nice Home Security alarm system to the full, the user needs to
know all the features to ensure correct configuration of the entire system
according to specific requirements. This section describes the general opera-
tion of the control unit and system: operation depends on the devices present
and type of settings made during installation.
• Types of alarm
There are different types of alarm:
- Pre-alarm status: the control unit emits a pre-alarm voice message.
- Outdoor alarm: the control unit emits an outdoor pre-alarm voice message
via the sirens.
- General alarm: activation of all sirens for 3 minutes and dialling of all tele-
phone numbers envisaged for this type of alarm.
- Panic alarm: when the system is enabled, this activates all sirens for 3 min-
utes and dialling of all telephone numbers envisaged for this type of alarm;
when the system is partially enabled or disabled, this only activates the sirens
via radio.
- Burglar alarm: dialling of all telephone numbers envisaged for this type of
- Technological alarm: the control unit emits an intermittent audible signal for
15 seconds and dials all telephone numbers envisaged for this type of alarm.
- Tampering alarm: with the system enabled, this generates a "general ala -
rm"; when the system is partially enabled or disabled, this activates an in ter -
mittent audible signal for 3 minutes and dials all telephone numbers envis-
aged for this type of alarm.
• Zones
– Three intruder alarm zones are envisaged: zones A, B and C, which respond
dif ferently according to whether the "outdoor alarm" function is programmed
or not.
With Outdoor alarm: Yes
Zone A, suitable for outdoor detectors that generate an "outdoor alarm"
Zone B, suitable for outdoor detectors that generate a "general alarm"
Zone C, suitable for indoor detectors that generate a "general alarm"
With Outdoor alarm: No
Zone A, suitable for perimeter detectors, for example on the ground floor, that
generate a "general alarm"
Zone B, suitable for perimeter detectors, for example on the first floor, that
generate a "general alarm"
Zone C, suitable for indoor detectors that generate a "general alarm"
– As well as alarm zones A, B and C, which can be activated or deactivated as
required; other constantly active zones are also available (24 hour zones)
Accessory alarm zones, always active
"Panic" zone, activated in the event of necessity via the remote control or
"Burglar" zone, activated in the event of necessity via the remote control or
"Technological" zone, activated by the relative detectors of hazardous events,
smoke, flooding etc..
• Alarm activation/deactivation
The following can be used to activate/deactivate the alarm:
- up to 32 bidirectional transmitters, with 4 keys, for deactivation or total acti-
vation of the 3 zones (A+B+C) or partial activation (A+B or B+C), with visual
confirmation of the operation performed;
- up to 32 five-digit codes for deactivation, which depends on the zones
enabled on the transmitter during the programming phase, and total or partial
activation, usable on the control panel or keypads;
- activation override: the user can override to automatic alarm activation at a
set time;
- via telephone calls on PSTN network or GSM (for mod. HSCU1GC only);
- on models with wired connections (mod. HSCU1GC and mod. HSCU1C) a
switch can be connected to alarm activation/deactivation.
• Siren operation
- Indoor sirens: activated for 3 minutes in the event of "general", "tampering"
or "panic" alarms. Emission of an audible signal; 3 beeps on total or partial
activation and 1 beep on deactivation. The volume can be adjusted through
to level zero.
- Outdoor sirens: activated for 3 minutes in the event of "general", "tamper-
ing" or "panic" alarms. To avoid disturbance, if the system has been left acti-
vated, the siren is activated after a pre-alarm interval of approx. 10 seconds,
during which a series of beeps are emitted.
Emission of an audible signal on activation and deactivation (3 beeps on total
or partial activation and 1 beep on deactivation).
The volume can be adjusted through to level zero. The flashing light flashes
during siren activation.
In the case of an "outdoor" alarm, the siren remains silent, but a series of
beeps are emitted for 3 minutes.
- Board with voice function for outdoor sirens: if the voice board is fitted,
the sirens send out a warning message during the pre-alarm interval and in
the event of an "outdoor" alarm. These messages must be recorded correct-
ly to obtain the required dissuasion effect.
• Telephone calls
- On fixed PSTN line: up to 6 voice messages can be recorded for each
specific event (see section 6.2.2), which are transmitted to up to 63 users,
the numbers of whom are programmed accordingly.
- On GSM network: the same 6 messages envisaged for the fixed line can
be transmitted via GSM. As well as the voice message, a corresponding text
message can also be sent. A further 11 factory-set "technical" text messages
(see section 6.2.3) are transmitted on the occurrence of specific events.
- Calls to alarm receiving centres: the control units can communicate with
the digital protocol Contact ID and CESA 200 Baud, for contact with alarm
receiving centres. For specific settings, request the relative instructions from
the Nice service centre.
- Remote assistance calls: the control units can be set up to enable the
professional installer to make a remote connection for checks and set-up
operations on the system (see section 6.2.7 - 9.2.8).
• Domotic functions
- Programmable clock: the control unit is fitted with a programmable clock
for automatic activation.
- Relay outputs (for models HSCU1GC and HSCU1C only): two relays are
available for the control of electrical appliances, which can be activated via the
clock by a telephone call or via specific control unit functions (see chapter
9.2.7 - 9.2.9).
- Outputs via radio: 16 commands via radio are available for actuator mod-
els HSTT2L and HSTT2N, which can be activated via a telephone call or
directly via transmitters, keypads or detectors (see chapter 9.2.9).


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