Troubleshooting; Disposal - Nice HSCU1 Instructions And Warnings For Installation And Use

Home security control unit
Table of Contents


TROUBLESHOOTING... (troubleshooting guide)
• A detector occasionally generates an improper alarm:
– check whether the batteries are discharged;
– ensure that the detector is not dirty or damp.
– Check the specific instructions for each type of sensor for the possible caus-
es of improper alarms and act accordingly. If the improper alarms persist, place
a second detector in the same area to be controlled and memorise, associating
it with the first, using the AND function.
HSDID11: Door and window opening detector
- Incomplete door/window closure: if the door or window is not perfectly
closed, the wind may move it.
- Door/window deformation: check the correct distance between the sensor
and magnet with the door/window closed
- Vibrations: the internal anti-intruder sensor is sensitive to strong vibrations
- External contact: the connection to the external contact is sensitive to high
levels of humidity
HSDIM11: Infrared detector with volumetric lens
HSDIM12: Infrared detector with curtain lens
- Strong currents of hot or cold air: the infrared sensor is sensitive to hot mov-
ing bodies
- Large insects: for the sensor, a bumblebee of one centimetre would be like an
elephant at a distance of 10 metres
- Vibrations: the internal anti-intruder sensor is sensitive to strong vibrations
- External contact: the connection to the external contact is sensitive to high
levels of humidity
HSDIS01 : Fine volatile combustion powder detector
- Cooking fumes and vapours: place the sensor far from cooking areas
- Dust: avoid positioning the sensor in dusty environments
HSDID01 : Glass breakage sensor
- Falling objects: can cause noise similar to breaking glass
- Rapid pressure changes: the activation of air conditioners or fans can gener-
ate improper alarms.
HSDIW01 : Flooding detector
- Condensation or high levels of humidity: high levels of humidity can produce
condensation on the sensor
- Dirty sensor: dirt increases the risk caused by humidity
Product disposal
All devices in the alarm system are an integral part of the installation and must
be disposed of as a whole. As in installation, also at the end of product lifetime,
the disassembly and scrapping operations must be performed by qualified per-
These products comprise various types of materials: some may be recycled
others must be disposed of. Seek information on the recycling and disposal sy -
stems envisaged by the local regulations in your area for this product category.
Caution! – Some parts of the products may contain pollutant or hazardous
substances which, if disposed of into the environment, may cause serious da -
mage to the environment or physical health.
As indicated by the symbol alongside, disposal of this prod-
uct in domestic waste is strictly prohibited.
Separate the waste into categories for disposal, according
to the methods envisaged by current legislation in your area,
or return the product to the retailer when purchasing a new
Caution! – Local legislation may envisage serious fines in the event of abusive
disposal of this product.
• Even when passing in front of a volumetric sensor, no alarm signal is
triggered: once a volumetric has transmitted the first alarm, it will not transmit
another if repeated within 3 minutes. Wait for at least 3 minutes and then try
• The display shows: DISARM AND INSERT SIM
Check that the SIM card is inserted correctly; ensure that it has not expired
(some operators deactivate the SIM cards after a certain period of disuse) and
in the case of pay-and-go mobile phones, check that there is residual credit.
• The phone dialler test is negative
The call is only made if the vocal message has been recorded; check by listen-
ing to the call, that the message has a vocal content.
• For all products in the Nice Home Security system
Virtually all products are fitted with protection against opening and removal; this
system normally acts on the cover and base of the product. Inadequate fixture
or incorrect closure of the covers could cause an alarm signal; this is a rare
case for example in the case of temperature variations.


Disposal of batteries
Caution! – The backup batteries and battery packs in the devices present
in this alarm system, also if discharged, contain pollutant substances and
therefore must not be disposed of as household waste. Dispose of
according to separate waste collection procedures as envisaged by local
current standards.


Table of Contents

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