Operation Instructions; Tips When Using The System; Operations Available To The User - Nice HSCU1 Instructions And Warnings For Installation And Use

Home security control unit
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9.1 - Tips when using the system

• Always activate the alarm.
• Always close doors and windows.
• Never leave evident signs that there is no one at home, for example a full let-
ter box.
• If absent for long periods, remember to use the system functions that simu-
late your presence: for example use the internal timed programmer to tem-
porarily open shutters or switch on some internal lights.
• At regular intervals change the alarm deactivation code without divulging it to

9.2 - Operations available to the user

9.2.1 - Total alarm system activation
• Via the control panel keypad: enter the numerical code then press the red
key twice
• Via the supplementary keypads: enter the numerical code then press the
red key once
• Via the remote controls: press the
• Automatic total alarm system activation can be programmed at a set time as
required (see
• Total alarm system can also be activated remotely, by means of a telephone
call (see 9.2.9).
9.2.2 - Partial alarm system activation
• Via the control panel keypad: enter the numerical code then press the red
key once. If zone A, B or C is not to be activated, press respectively keys 1,
2, or 3 to disable, then press the
• Via the supplementary keypads: enter the numerical code, then if zone A,
B or C is not to be activated, press respectively keys 1, 2, or 3 to disable, and
press the
key once.
• Via the remote controls: press the key (
remote control is duly configured, press the key (
• Automatic partial alarm system activation can be programmed at a set time
as required (see
• Partial alarm system can also be activated remotely, by means of a telephone
call (see 9.2.9).
9.2.3 - Alarm system deactivation
• Via the control panel keypad: enter the numerical code then press the
key once.
• Via the supplementary keypads: enter the numerical code then press the
key once.
• Via the remote controls: press the
9.2.4 - Alarm system deactivation under threat (anti-duress)
• Via the control panel or supplementary keypads: if the alarm system is
deactivated by entering a special "antiduress" code, the alarm system is
deactivated and specific telephone calls are transmitted automatically as
envisaged for the robbery alarm.
Caution: if an alarm is in progress, the corresponding GSM calls may cause
problems with deactivation of the alarm system via the supplementary keypads
or remote controls. In this case the alarm system should be deactivated via the
control panel keypad.
9.2.5 - Control panel test
The control panel test function enables a number of checks on system opera-
tion. For example the CONTROL PANEL TEST mode is useful to open devices
and change the batteries, as in these conditions the sirens are temporarily dis-
abled. There are 3 types of test:
- CONTROL PANEL test: enables the user to check operation of all detectors
and quality of the radio signal received.
- PHONE DIALLER Test: enables delivery of one of the recorded messages
on the fixed PSTN or GSM line.
- FIELD METER Test: enables the user to check signal intensity on the 2 fre-
quencies used by the system.
To activate the test modes, proceed as follows:
01. With the control panel disarmed, enter the user code and press
02. The word TEST is shown on the first line of the display and CONTROL
PANEL on the second line.
03. Press OK to confirm and proceed with the control panel test or use keys
to display the other types of test. Press OK again to confirm.
04. According to the type of test selected, proceed according to the procedure
in one of the following three paragraphs.
key once.
key once.
) to activate zones A+B. If the
) to activate zones B+C.
key once.
. -
05. Generate a detector alarm by opening protected doors and windows or
moving within the area protected by the volumetric detectors etc.
06. Wait for at least 5 seconds between one alarm and the next; on completion
ensure correct reception of each alarm, scrolling through the list on screen
using keys
Example: if the display shows:
03 C1H C2M
this means:
name assigned to detector
progressive number (3rd event detected)
C1 H
radio signal on frequency C1 high (H = high)
C2 M
radio signal on frequency C2 medium (M = medium)
The quality of the signal depends on the distance between devices and any
obstacles present; the signal is encoded on 3 levels: H (high) ; M (medium) ; L
(low) . These 3 levels are sufficient to guarantee correct operation of the detec-
tor. If one frequency has no display, the detector is probably outside the maxi-
mum range or there is disturbance on this frequency; in any event a single fre-
quency should still be sufficient to guarantee correct system operation.
However if both frequencies display nothing, a practical test must be made by
arming the control panel and generating the alarm. Technical practices envis-
age the TEST when the signal is weak: in normal conditions the system should
continue to be operative.
A detector signal may at times by high (H) and at others medium (M): this may
depend on random interference or the movement of persons in the area during
testing. This often occurs with remote controls as their position with respect to
the control panel can easily change.
Notes on control panel testing:
- Some detectors transmit the alarm twice; therefore there may be two con-
secutive signals on the list.
- Once a volumetric detector has transmitted the first alarm, it will not transmit
another if repeated within 3 minutes. To perform the test, there must not have
been persons within the protected area for at least three minutes. This block,
on repetition of the alarm within 3 minutes, is not present if the detector bat-
tery compartment is open. Therefore the test should be performed with the
battery compartment open. -
05. Transmit a radio signal using any device and immediately check intensity of
the signal received for the 2 frequencies.
Example: if the display shows:
C1: ❚❚❚❚❚
C2: ❚❚❚❚
this means:
signal on frequency 433 MHz: excellent (*)
signal on frequency 868 MHz: very good (*)
(*) Note – The signal is sufficient if more than one bar is displayed. -
05. Dial the number to be called and press OK to confirm:
06. Using keys
select the message to be sent and press OK to con-
07. Using keys
select whether to use the PSTN line or GSM network.
08. Press OK again to confirm: the call is made.
09. The message should be heard clearly from the number called.
9.2.6 - Event log
The control panels record all events occurred (arming, disarming, alarms etc.),
memorising the date, time, name of the person performing the operation and
the device concerned.
The memory stores the last 200 events; these are queued, and the 201st event
then overwrites the 1st and so on. To check the event list, proceed as follows:
01. Enter the user code and press
02. The display shows the most recent event; the first line shows the date and
time and the second line displays a description of the event. The events are
shown in abbreviated form; for an explanation of their meanings, refer to
examples 1, 2 and 3.
03. To display the other events, use keys
04. To quit, press ESC.


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