KKT KOLBE FLAT INSEL ED User Manual page 5

Table of Contents


Table of content
. General notes
. Intended use
. Protection of the environment
. Tips and general advice
. Before using the hood
. Using the hood
. Operating safety information
. In exhaust air mode
. In circulation air mode
. Care and cleaning
. Changing the ilters
. Carbon ilters
. Changing the lamps
. What to do if...
. Customer support
. Installation
. Installation data
. Using the extractor hood as an exhaust air hood
. Converting the extractor hood to a circulation hood
. 'lectrical connection
. Mounting the carbon ilter
. Appliance components
. Control panel
. Troubleshooting
. Informations on air low
. General installation instruction
. Working modes
. Installation
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Table of Contents

Table of Contents