Exhaust Air Pipeline - KKT KOLBE FLAT INSEL ED User Manual

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. Exhaust air pipeline

Air outlet to outdoors
Air outlet via an air shat
• The exhaust air line should be as short
and straight as possible.
• To avoid excessive noise or a reduced
extraction capacity the diameter of
the exhaust air pipeline should not be
less than
• Use or form only large radius bends.
Small radius bends reduce the extrac-
tion capacity of the hood.
• Use only smooth pipelines or lexible
hoses of non-lammable materials for
the exhaust air pipeline
• If the exhaust air pipeline is horizon-
tally routed, there must be a minimum
gradient of cm per metre or an inc-
lination angle of °. 'ig. C Otherwise
condensation water could run into the
extractor hood motor.
• If the exhaust air is directed into an
exhaust air duct, the end of the entry
itting must be directed in the direc-
tion of low.
• If the exhaust air pipeline is routed
though cool rooms, lots etc. there can
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Gewerbliches inhaltliches Kopieren verboten!
be a large temperature drop within
the individual parts of the pipeline,
resulting in sweating or condensation
water production. This renders outlet
pipeline insulation necessary.
• In some cases a condensation water
barrier must be installed in addition
to adequate insulation
The manufacturer is not responsible for
any faults occurring through non-com-
pliance with the above information and
The manufacturer is constantly engaged
in the further improvement of his pro-
ducts. Please note that products are sub-
ject to changes in form, equipment and
the applied technology.


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