Travelling Tips - Hipod JS7A/2010 Instructions For Installation & Use

Convertible child restraint for cars
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trAVellINg tIPS

Never hold a baby in arms when riding in a motor vehicle. In this position the baby could be thrown against the
dashboard, windscreen or other occupant and suffer serious injury or death.
When riding in a motor vehicle never nurse a baby and use the same seat belt for both of you. In this position
the baby or child could be crushed.
Children must be secured in appropriate restraints at all times when the car is in motion. Children travelling
unrestrained and standing up in the car are in danger of serious injury or death. traffic regulations in all states
require children to be secured in child restraints or adult seat belts where available.
Plan your trip with frequent comfort stops to reduce stress on babies, young children and driver. keep the car
well ventilated to reduce heat stress. two car windows should be kept open to maintain a good flow of fresh air
if air conditioning is not used.
Never leave babies or toddlers in a stationary car in the sun because of the risk of heat exhaustion.
ensure babies and toddlers are adequately shaded from direct sunlight through side or rear windows.
be on guard against carbon monoxide poisoning which can occur through only a slight leak in the exhaust
system while travelling in a closed car.
Securely stow all heavy objects, feeding bottles, etc. that could become missiles during an accident and cause
injury to any occupant.
take several changes of clothing and bibs for possible car sickness. disposable nappies and liners are very handy
while travelling. Since it is often warmer in the car, dress the baby in light clothing. When cooler, it is easier to
place a blanket over the baby than it is to remove the baby from the restraint and change clothes.
Never breast feed a baby while car is in motion.
babies will require extra feeding if travelling in the heat. For
bottle fed babies, make up the bottles and refrigerate before leaving home for a day trip. Place in a cool bag and
reheat as needed with hot water from a thermos.
Alternatively, bring boiled water in a thermos and pre-measured amounts of baby formula in small containers.
Use the water from the thermos to mix with the formula when required. regardless which method is used, it
is always a good plan to carry some boiled water in a sterile container or bottle.
do not attempt to carry warm milk because germs multiply rapidly in warm milk.
INStAllAtIoN oF CAr ANChor FIttINg
Consult the vehicle owner's handbook for location of anchorage fittings or anchorage points and the possible
use of spacers. Some vehicles may have an anchor fitting fitted by the vehicle manufacturer. If anchorage points
cannot be found refer to car manufacturer or local child restraint fitting station or traffic authority for optimum
position of anchorage point and the use of spacers.
the AttAChmeNt ClIP CoVer mUSt AlWAYS be USed AS It PreVeNtS the rISk oF INCorreCt FItmeNt oF
the AttAChmeNt ClIP to the ANChor FIttINg. AlWAYS eNSUre thAt the AttAChmeNt ClIP IS CorreCtlY
eNgAged to the ANChor FIttINg ANd Not hooked or FItted to ANY other obJeCt beFore eACh USe
oF the reStrAINt. thIS IS eSPeCIAllY ImPortANt IN VehICleS SUCh AS StAtIoN WAgoNS, VANS, hAtCh
bACkS or VehICleS WIthoUt A FIXed PArCel ShelF, SINCe the ANChor PoINt IS USUAllY Not VISIble.
In some vehicles the anchor fitting in the rear vertical panel can only be installed in one way. Please refer to
vehicle owner's handbook or a child restraint fitting station for correct method.

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