Retherm Mode - Blodgett BLCT-61G Installation Operation & Maintenance

Bct & blct combi ovens
Table of Contents



Retherm mode

Retherm allows you to gently reheat previously prepared
products. During operation a carefully calculated amount
of humidity is added. This process helps maintain the ap-
pearance and flavor of the product.
Tips for successful Retherming
For faster retherming, leave the product uncovered
during the reheating process.
To reach the perfect end temperature, use the core
temperature probe. Refer to page 24 for informa-
tion on using the core probe.
For retherm of sous-vide or similar products, follow
the supplier's recommendations.
entering the Retherm mode
1. From the MAIN MENU, press the MANUAL key.
2. Select the RETHERM mode.
setting the Retherm Time and Temperature
1. In the TEMPERATURE list, drag your finger up or
down to select the desired cook temperature.
2. In the HOUR & MINUTES lists, drag your finger up or
down to set the desired cook time.
When the cook time expires, the oven automatically
shuts off. Press the CONT. key if you want the oven
to continue operating after the set time has elapsed.
3. The oven starts automatically three seconds after the
cook time and temperature have been selected.
setting the Fan speed
The BCT has 9 fan speeds to choose from. You can set
the fan before or during the cook cycle.
1. To set the fan speed, press the FAN SPEED key in
the lower right corner of the screen.
Rice, meat, and vegetables on a plate
Whole roasts, stews, and sauces
Pasta, rice, and similar
2. Drag your finger up or down to set the fan speed in
increments of 10% (From 20-100%).
3. Press OK to save the fan speed.
vent Position
The vent position is set automatically in the retherm mode.
At the end of the Cook Cycle
1. When the cook time expires, an alarm sounds and
the display reads "Recipe Done!.
Press EXIT to end the cook cycle.
Press RESTART to continue the cook cycle.
284°F (140°C)
248-384°F (120-140°C)
248°F (120°C)
Figure 13
8-12 minutes
40-60 minutes
20-30 minutes


Table of Contents

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