Aaeon SBC-590 User Manual page 35

Full-size pci/isa pentium cpu card with svga
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You can attach four IDE (Integrated Device Electronics) drives to
the SBC-590's internal controller. The SBC-590 CPU card has two
EIDE connectors, CN7 and CN8. The first two IDE devices must
be installed into CN7. CN8 may be used for a third and fourth
IDE device.
Wire number 1 on the cable is red or blue, the other wires are gray.
Connect one end to CN7 or CN8 on the CPU card. Make sure that
the red (or blue) wire corresponds to pin 1 on the connector (on
the right side).
You can attach up to two floppy disk drives to the SBC-590's on-
board controller. You can use any combination of 5.25" (360 KB
and 1.2 MB) and 3.5" (720 KB and 1.44 MB) drives.
The card comes with a 34-pin daisy-chain drive connector cable.
On one end of the cable is a 34-pin flat-cable connector. On the
other end are two sets of floppy disk drive connectors. Each set
consists of a 34-pin flat-cable connector (usually used for 3.5"
drives) and a printed-circuit-board connector (usually used for
5.25" drives). You can use only one connector in each set. The set
on the end (after the twist in the cable) connects to the A drive.
The set in the middle connects to the B drive.
The SBC-590 Cpu card's VGA connector (labeled VGA) with
PCU bus supports monochrome display as well as high resolution
color displays. In addition, the card also features a Feature
connector, which allows you to plug in other external display
devices. The following table lists their pin assignments.
28 SBC-590 User's Manual


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