Meeting Head-On; Crossing Situations; Overtaking; The General Prudential Rule - Scarab jet boat Owenrs Manual

Jet boat scarab
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2. Meeting Head-on

When two boats meet head-on neither boat has right-
port to port. However, if both boats are on the left side
of a channel, each vessel should sound two short
horn blasts and pass to starboard to starboard. See
Figure A18.
Figure A18: Meeting Head-On

3. Crossing Situations

In a crossing situation, the boat on the right from
the 12-4 o'clock position has the right-of-way. It must
hold course and speed. The boat without the right-
of-way must keep clear and pass to the stern.
See Figure A19.
Boating Safety & Information - Section A
Figure A19: Crossing Situation

4. Overtaking

The boat overtaking the one ahead must yield the
right-of-way to the boat being passed. The overtaking
boat must make necessary adjustments to keep out of
its path. The boat being passed should hold its course
and speed. See Figure A20.
Inland Rules
Stand-on (Privileged)
Vessel Being Overtaken
"I want to pass you on your
port side.
2 short blasts (1 sec.)
2 short blasts (1 sec.)
International Rules
"I am altering my course
2 short blasts (1 sec.)
International Rules in Nar-
row Channels
"I intend to pass you on
2 prolonged blasts (4-6
Give-way (Burdened)
2 short blasts (1 sec.)
Vessel Overtaking
1 prolonged, 1 short
1 prolonged, 1 short
Figure S20: Overtaking

5. The General Prudential Rule

The general prudential rule regarding right-of-way is
that if a collision appears unavoidable, neither boat
has right-of-way. As prescribed in the "Rules of the
Inland Rules
"I want to pass you on your
starboard side.
1 short blast (1 sec.)
1 short blast (1 sec.)
International Rules
"I am altering my course to
1 short blast (1 sec.)
International Rules
in Narrow Channels
"I intend to pass you on
2 prolonged blasts (4-6
1 short blast (1 sec.)
1 prolonged, 1 short
1 prolonged, 1 short blast
Owner's Manual Page 31

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