Security Security Security Security Security S y s t e m S y s t e m S y s t e m S y s t e m S y s t e m User’s Guide User’s Guide User’s Guide User’s Guide User’s Guide...
Table of Contents Warning Displays and Tones ...... 16 Introduction Introduction ........... Introduction ................................. 7 Introduction Introduction ........... Command Center Quiets ......16 About This Users Guide ....... 7 Priority of Events ........16 Using the Command Center Using the Command Center Using the Command Center ......
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Turning the System On (Arming) View Event Memory ........39 With a Duress Passcode ......26 Using View Memory ........39 WALK TEST ? WALK TEST ? ....................Turning the System On (Arming) WALK TEST ? WALK TEST ? WALK TEST ? ..........
NO AUTHORITY ......... 55 NOT AUTHORIZED ........55 PERIMETR DELAY ........55 PERIMETR INSTANT ........55 FIRST DISARM .......... 55 Sys s s s s t t t t t em T em T em T em T em Tr r r r r ouble Displa ouble Displa ouble Displa ouble Display y y y y s s s s s ......
Introduction Introduction Introduction Security systems help to secure life, property, and may require you to enter your personal passcode. investments against fire, theft, and bodily harm. The Throughout this guide the # # # # # symbol refers to a variable control center is an advanced digital device that offers a variety of features not available with other systems.
Using the Command Center ENT/YES ENT/YES ENT/YES ENT/YES ENT/YES The security system provides quick access to functions COMMAND COMMAND The ENT ENT (Enter)/YES /YES /YES /YES key has two functions. The first /YES by pressing the COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND bar and one or two additional keys.
PREV PREV PREV PREV PREV (Previous) When viewing a list, pressing the PREV PREV PREV PREV PREV key takes you back to the previously shown item. N E X T N E X T N E X T N E X T N E X T Press the NEXT NEXT...
Secur Secur ity Sy ity Sy ity Sys s s s s t t t t t em Ba em Ba em Ba sics sics Secur Secur Security Sy ity Sy em Ba em Basics sics sics What is a Point? What is a Point? What is a Point? What is a Point?
24-Hour Points 24-Hour Points 24-Hour Points 24-Hour Points 24-Hour Points 24-hour points are always on, even when the burglary system is disarmed (turned off). There are two types of 24-hour points, fire points and non-fire points. Fire Points Fire Points Fire Points Fire Points Fire Points...
Cust t t t t om Displa om Displa om Displa om Display y y y y om Displa “At an idle state” means that the system is not currently performing a function entered by a user and there are no active alarms.
V V V V V ie ie ie ie iew F ault aulte e e e e d or Bypa ault d or Bypa d or Bypas s s s s se d or Bypa se se oint oint oints s s s s w Fault ault d or Bypa...
Command Center Quiets for Command Center Quiets for Command Center Quiets for Command Center Quiets for Command Center Quiets for W W W W W ar ar ar ar arning Displa ning Displa ning Display y y y y s and T ning Displa s and T s and Tone...
Alarms Alarms Alarms Alarms Alarms F F F F F ir ir ir ir ire Alar e Alar e Alar e Alar e Alarms programmed so that some fire alarms cannot be Fire alarms are the highest priority events. When a fire silenced until the fire event clears.
glar glar y Alar y Alar Burglar glar glar y Alar y Alar y Alarms display. The ALARM SILENCED ALARM SILENCED ALARM SILENCED ALARM SILENCED message continues ALARM SILENCED to scroll as a reminder that it is still possible to view Burglary alarms are the second priority.
T T T T T r r r r r ouble Ev ouble Ev ouble Event ouble Ev ents s s s s ouble Ev F F F F F ir ir ir ir ire T e Tr r r r r ouble Ev ouble Ev ouble Ev ouble Ev...
If the system is armed, the display shows the number begin with SERVC SERVC SERVC. See Standard Displays for a SERVC SERVC A1 ## TROUBLES A1 ## TROUBLES of non-fire trouble (A1 ## TROUBLES A1 ## TROUBLES A1 ## TROUBLES ) and then description of each system trouble display.
Exit Delay Tone and Display Exit Delay Tone and Display Exit Delay Tone and Display Exit Delay Tone and Display Exit Delay Tone and Display To SILENCE an alarm: To SILENCE an alarm: To SILENCE an alarm: To SILENCE an alarm: To SILENCE an alarm: After the system is armed, the command center emits •...
Sys s s s s t t t t t em Commands and F em Commands and F em Commands and F unctions unctions em Commands and F em Commands and Functions unctions unctions COMMAND DISABLED appears in the display for a few moments before the display returns to idle text. If the function is available in the system but your passcode is not authorized to perform the function, then NOT AUTHORIZED displays on the Command Center.
Arming/Disarming Arming/Disarming Arming/Disarming Arming/Disarming Arming/Disarming T T T T T ur ur ur ur urning t ning t ning t ning t ning the Sy he Sy he Sy he Sy he Sys s s s s t t t t t em Of em Of em Of em Off f f f f...
NOT AUTHORIZED NOT AUTHORIZED 4. One of the messages below may display in place NOT AUTHORIZED NOT AUTHORIZED NOT AUTHORIZED FORCE ARM FORCE ARM of FORCE ARM FORCE ARM FORCE ARM. The passcode entered does not have the authority to force arm. BYPASSABLE BYPASSABLE BYPASSABLE...
TER ARM ? TER ARM ? MASTER ARM ? TER ARM ? TER ARM ? Using Master Arm: Using Master Arm: Using Master Arm: Using Master Arm: Using Master Arm: COMMAND 1 COMMAND 1 COMMAND 1 COMMAND 1 COMMAND 1 1.
TER ARM INS TER ARM INS MASTER ARM INS TER ARM INS TER ARM INST? Using Master Arm Inst: Using Master Arm Inst: Using Master Arm Inst: Using Master Arm Inst: Using Master Arm Inst: COMMAND 1 1 COMMAND 1 1 COMMAND 1 1 COMMAND 1 1 COMMAND 1 1...
PERIMETR INS PERIMETR INS PERIMETR INST ? PERIMETR INS PERIMETR INS COMMAND 2 COMMAND 2 COMMAND 2 COMMAND 2 COMMAND 2 Using Perimetr Inst: Using Perimetr Inst: Using Perimetr Inst: Using Perimetr Inst: Using Perimetr Inst: 1. Interior points are not armed with this command and may remain faulted while arming with T T T T T ur ur ur ur urn On t n On t...
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PERIMETR INS PERIMETR INS PERIMETR INS PERIMETR INS PERIMETR INST ? continue T ? continue T ? continue T ? continued d d d d T ? continue call the security company to notify them that it is not an emergency situation. 5.
PERIMETR DEL PERIMETR DEL PERIMETR DEL PERIMETR DEL PERIMETR DELA A A A A Y ? COMMAND 3 COMMAND 3 COMMAND 3 COMMAND 3 COMMAND 3 Using Perimetr Delay Using Perimetr Delay Using Perimetr Delay Using Perimetr Delay Using Perimetr Delay: 1.
Silence t Silence t he T he T he Tr r r r r ouble Sounder & Cle ouble Sounder & Cle ouble Sounder & Cle ar T ar T ar Tr r r r r ouble Displa ouble Displa ouble Displa ouble Display y y y y Silence t...
W W W W W ALK TES ALK TES ALK TES ALK TES ALK TEST ? COMMAND 4 4 COMMAND 4 4 COMMAND 4 4 COMMAND 4 4 COMMAND 4 4 happens, contact your security company. At the end of the 4 minute period, AC is returned to the system and W W W W W alk T alk T...
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WALK TEST ? WALK TEST ? WALK TEST ? continued continued continued WALK TEST ? WALK TEST ? continued continued 0 PTS TO TEST 0 PTS TO TEST 6. When all points are tested, 0 PTS TO TEST 0 PTS TO TEST 0 PTS TO TEST is displayed.
Exiting Watch Mode: Exiting Watch Mode: Exiting Watch Mode: Exiting Watch Mode: Exiting Watch Mode: 1. Ensure the keypad is at disarmed idle text. 2. Press the COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND bar. The display shows COMMAND SYSTEM COMMAND. SYSTEM COMMAND. SYSTEM COMMAND.
PERIMETR P PERIMETR P PERIMETR PAR ART ? PERIMETR P PERIMETR P COMMAND 8 COMMAND 8 COMMAND 8 COMMAND 8 COMMAND 8 allows you to keep the rest of the building perimeter armed. P P P P P ar ar ar ar artiall tiall tiall tially T...
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PERIMETR PART ? PERIMETR PART ? PERIMETR PART ? continued continued continued PERIMETR PART ? PERIMETR PART ? continued continued 4. The display shows EXIT NOW EXIT NOW EXIT NOW EXIT NOW EXIT NOW # # # # # . When exit delay time expires and the system turns on, the display shortens to PERIMETR PARTIAL.
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Special Aler Special Aler Special Alert t t t t s s s s s Special Aler Special Aler COMMAND 7 COMMAND 7 COMMAND 7 and COMMAND 9 and COMMAND 9 and COMMAND 9 and COMMAND 9 COMMAND 7 COMMAND 7 and COMMAND 9 Description Description...
Using COMMAND 7 Using COMMAND 7 Using COMMAND 7 Using COMMAND 7 Using COMMAND 7: Using COMMAND 9 Using COMMAND 9 Using COMMAND 9 Using COMMAND 9 Using COMMAND 9: 1. Press the COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND bar. The display shows 1.
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Smoke detectors may environmental threats. All security systems are subject not be able to warn in time about fires started to possible compromise or failure-to-warn for a variety...
F F F F F ir ir ir ir ire Saf e Saf e Safe e e e e ty and Ev e Saf ty and Ev ty and Ev acua acua tion tion e Saf ty and Ev ty and Evacua acua acuation tion...
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Fire Safety and Evacuation Fire Safety and Evacuation Fire Safety and Evacuation continued continued continued continued Fire Safety and Evacuation Fire Safety and Evacuation continued If it is determined that the alarm was accidentally sounded, the bell should be silenced, the detectors Plan both primary and alternate escape routes.
Standard Displays Standard Displays Standard Displays Standard Displays Standard Displays NO AUTHORITY NO AUTHORITY NO AUTHORITY NO AUTHORITY NO AUTHORITY The command center uses standard and custom The system does not recognize the passcode entered. displays to show the status of the security system. Many standard displays are described here.
Sys s s s s t t t t t em T em T em Tr r r r r ouble Displa em T ouble Displa ouble Display y y y y s s s s s ouble Displa em T ouble Displa SERVC BATT LOW SERVC BATT LOW...
SERVC PH LINE #1 ( SERVC PH LINE #1 ( SERVC PH LINE #1 (or or or or or 2) 2) 2) 2) 2) This display indicates that fire points are bypassed. SERVC PH LINE #1 ( SERVC PH LINE #1 ( Indicates telephone line trouble.
Central Station Central Station - A facility where trained personnel Central Station Central Station monitor security systems 24 hours a day. the security system. Security systems can be programmed to contact Arm - To turn the controlled points (burglar the central station during alarm conditions, detection devices) on.
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Entry Delay Entry Delay Idle Text Idle Text Entry Delay Entry Delay Entry Delay - A programmed delay of system alarm Idle Text Idle Text Idle Text - The security system displays idle text at response allowing an individual to enter an keypads when it is not performing a user armed area through the correct point and disarm requested function.
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Point Point Point Point Point - A detection device, or group of devices connected to the security system. Points display individually at the command centerwith custom text. The text can describe a single door, motion sensor, smoke detector, or an area such as UPSTAIRS or GARAGE.
Maint Maint enance and Ser enance and Ser vice vice Maint Maint Maintenance and Ser enance and Ser enance and Service vice vice This security system requires very little maintenance, YOUR ALARM COMPANY IS however, test the system weekly to ensure it is working properly.
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