Transponder Setup - Televes RSD - 7297 User Manual

Digital satellite receiver
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User Manual
User Manual

9.4.- Transponder Setup

This menu lets you modify the specifications that correspond to a trans-
ponder. To do so, press OK over the -Transponder Setup- option. In the
submenu that appears you can add a new transponder, modify the exis-
ting transponders or eliminate those that you do not want.
- Satellite name: Select one of the satellites that have been pre-pro-
grammed in the receiver with the
vate the pop-up menu.
- Frequency: Using the numeric buttons, enter the frequency that
corresponds to that transponder.
- Symbol rate: Using the numeric buttons, enter the symbol rate that
corresponds to that transponder.
- Polarisation: Using the
tion that corresponds to that transponder.
Press the OK button to start the channel scan in the transponder.
During the search, if you press EXIT, you will be requested to enter your
secret code to cancel the operation.
This lets you change the frequency, symbol rate and polarity that has
been assigned to a transponder
Select one of the transponders from the list with the
and press OK.
The cursor is situated in the first field so that you can enter the new
data. To do so use the numeric buttons or the
the next field by pressing the
Press the OK button to save the data. A new scan will take place with
the new data.
This option lets you erase all the data of a transponder.
To eliminate a transponder, select it in the list with the
and press OK over it. It will now be marked with a symbol thereby indi-
cating its new status. If you want to de-select it, press OK again over
the transponder and the symbol will disappear. You can mark as many
transponders as you wish.
The (
) symbol over a transponder indicates that this transponder has
been selected for elimination.
To be able to check which channels belong to a specific transponder
before eliminating it, press the
will appear with all of the channels that are included in the transponder.
Press the EXIT button. A small window will appear requesting confir-
mation to eliminate the transponder (YES) or to cancel the operation
buttons or press OK to acti-
buttons, indicate the type of polarisa-
button over that transponder. A list
buttons. Go to
"RSD - 7297"
"RSD - 7297"


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