Emission Controlsystemwarranty - Baja motorsports RT50-R retro Owner's Manual

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EmissionControl System Warranty
Theemissioncontrolsystemwarrantyperiodforthis vehiclebeginson the datethevehicle is
deliveredto the first purchaserotherthan an authorizeddealer,or the dateit is first usedas a
demonstrator, l ease,or companyvehicle,whichevercomes first andcontinuesfor 60 months
afterthat date,or 5,000kin,whichever comesfirst, providedthere has beenno abuse, neglector
impropermaintenanceof your vehicle. Where a warrantableconditionexists,the Distributorwill
repairyour vehicleat nocost toyou, includingdiagnosis,partsand labor. If an emission-related
part on your vehicleis defective,the part will be repairedor replacedby the Distributor. Thisis
your emissioncontroldefectswarranty.
As thevehicle owner,you are responsibleforthe performanceof the requiredmaintenance. Y ou
shouldmaintaina recordof all maintenanceperformedon your vehicleand retainall receipts
coveringmaintenanceon your vehicle. You may not be denieda warrantyclaim solelybecause
of your failureto ensurethe performanceof all scheduledmaintenance or lackof maintenance
recordsor receipts. You are responsiblefor presentingyour vehicleto an authorizeddealeras
soonas a problemexists.Thewarranty repairsshould be completedin a reasonableamount of
time,not to exceed30 days.
As thevehicle owner,you shouldbe awarethat youmay be deniedyourwarranty coverageif
yourvehicle or a part has failed dueto abuse,neglect,impropermaintenance,or unapproved
The Distributor warrants that each new2009and latervehicle:
is designed,built,andequippedso as to conformat thetime of initial retail purchase
with all applicableregulationsof the UnitedStates Environmental P rotection Agency;and
is free from defectsin materialandworkmanshipwhich causesuchvehicleto fail to
confirmwith applicableregulationsofthe UnitedStates EnvironmentalProtection Agency forthe
Youremissioncontrolsystemwarranty coverscomponentswhosefailurewould increasean
engine'semission,includingelectroniccontrols,fuel injectionsystem,carburetor,the ignition
system,catalyticconverter,or any othersystem utilizedin this vehicleto controlemissionif it
is originallyequipped. Also includedmay be hoses,connectorsand otheremission-related as-
semblies. Replacingor repairingothercomponents(includingparts, labor,andother costs)not
coveredby this emissioncontrolsystemwarranty or the standardwarranty isthe responsibility
of the owner.
Coverageof repairsunderthis warrantyappliesonlywhen repairsare completedat an authorized
dealeror repairfacility. The Distributorwill notcover repairsperformedoutsideof an authorized
dealeror repairfacility,except in an emergencysituation. The use of replacementparts not
equivalentto the original partsmay impairthe effectivenessofyour vehicle'semissioncontrol
system. If sucha replacementpart is usedand an authorizeddealer determines it is defective or
causesa failure of a warrantedpart,your claim for repairto bringyour vehicleinto compliance
with applicablestandardsmay be denied.


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