Clock Modulation - E-Mu Xtreme Lead-1 Manual

Table of Contents


Envelopes are triggered
on the positive going edge of
the clock. LFOs are triggered on
the negative going edge of the
The tempo of the
master clock is set in the Master
98 E-MU Systems
You might use the LFOs to add a slight bit of animation to the sound by
routing the LFO to control the filter. For this effect, set the LFO "amount"
low for a subtle effect.
When a PatchCord amount is a negative value, the LFO shape is inverted.
For example, inverting the sawtooth wave produces a wave that increases
abruptly, then smoothly glides down.
Sa wt o o t h
You can use the Master Clock as a modulation source, to trigger the Filter or
Auxiliary Envelope generators, trigger Sample Start, synchronize the LFOs,
or directly as a square wave modulation source. The Clock source is
available in eight divisions (octal whole note, quad whole note, double
whole note, whole note, half note, quarter note, eighth note, sixteenth
note). You can use the different rates separately or in conjunction to create
complex "synchro-sonic" rhythm patterns. You can also use a MIDI Clock
as the Master Clock to synchronize to an external MIDI device such as a
drum machine or sequencer. (See Master Tempo in the Master menu.)
Clocks are routed exactly like the other modulations sources using the
PatchCords. The PatchCord Amount MUST be positive (+) for the clock to
pass. By modulating the PatchCord Amount, you can route the divided
clocks using real-time controllers or other modulation sources.
When an LFO is triggered by a clock, the LFO wave resets to zero every time
the clock wave goes low. If the LFO rate is close to the clock rate, the LFO
virtually synchronizes with the clock. If the two rates are far apart, the
waveform of the LFO will be mildly or radically altered.
Triggered LFO
LFO Wave
LFO Trigger causes the LFO to reset each time the clock waveform goes low.
N e gati v e A mou nt
Programming Basics

Clock Modulation

In verted S aw too th


Table of Contents

Table of Contents