Chorus; Volume Envelope - E-Mu Xtreme Lead-1 Manual

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_ _ _ _
WARNING: Since it
works by doubling the
instruments, Chorusing halves
the number of notes you can
play on Xtreme Lead.

Volume Envelope

This is an easy one. Chorus works by doubling the instruments and
detuning them slightly. The larger the chorus value, the more detuning
occurs. The Width parameter controls the stereo spread. A Width value of
0% reduces the chorus to mono, a value of 100% provides the most stereo
separation. Chorus is useful when you want to "fatten up" a part quickly
and easily.
To Chorus a Layer
With the cursor on the top line of the display, turn the Data Entry
Control until you find the Chorus page.
Use the cursor buttons to advance the cursor to the Chorus field (the
first field in the bottom line of the display). Use the Data Entry Control
to turn on chorus.
Select a Width value based on the amount of detuning you want.
Smaller numbers mean less detuning, larger ones more.
You can select various amounts of chorusing for each of the instruments,
just play around with the Chorus and Width parameter until you like what
you hear.
Every sound you hear, whether it's a piano note, a drum, or a bell, has a
characteristic volume curve or envelope. This Volume Envelope shapes the
volume of the sound which grows louder or softer in various ways during
the course of the sound. The volume envelope of a sound is one of the clues
our brain uses to determine what type of sound is being produced.
An envelope shapes the sound or volume of the sound over time. The
envelope generators in Xtreme Lead all have six stages to the contour:
Attack 1, Attack 2, Decay 1, Decay 2, Release 1 and Release 2. When you
press a key on the keyboard, the envelope goes through each of the first
four stages, advancing to the next stage when the defined Level for each is
reached. As long as you continue to hold the key down, the envelope
continues through the first four stages holding at the end of the Decay 2
level until the key is released. When you release the key, the envelope
jumps to the Release stages (no matter where the envelope is when you
release the key) ending at the Release 2 level.
Programming Tutorial
Editing Presets
Xtreme Lead-1 Operation Manual 167


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