Table of Contents


Arpeggiator/Beats Menu


_ _ _ _
SAVE your Arp setups
and name them using the "Save
Setup" function located in the
Save/Copy menu. See"Saving
Multisetups" on page 197.
56 E-MU Systems
An arpeggiator moves a pattern of notes sequentially over a range of the
keyboard. Xtreme Lead has the unique ability to play a different arpeggiator
on each MIDI channel!
Arpeggiator settings can be defined as part of the preset (using the Arp
parameters in the Edit menu), or globally in the Arpeggiator menu. The
preset and master arpeggiators have the same parameters which we define
in this chapter.
The Arp field in the main screen defines which arpeggiator settings will be
used. "M" uses the master Arpeggiator settings and on/off status (as defined
in the Arpeggiator menu). "P" uses the preset's arpeggiator settings and on/
off status (as defined in the Edit menu). Choosing "On" uses the preset's
arpeggiator settings regardless of whether or not it is turned on in the Edit
menu and Off turns off the arpeggiator regardless of the settings and status
specified in either menu.
Arp Settings in the
Preset are Used
All arpeggiators share XL-1's master clock and its current setting. The
master clock can be XL-1's internal clock or an external MIDI clock.
Although the arpeggiators use the master clock setting, the tempo divisor
can be unique for each arpeggiator setup.
Arpeggiator modes include up, up/down, forward assign, backward assign,
forward/backward assign and random as well as play Patterns. Patterns are
pre-recorded sequences of notes and rests. All key-on notes play the
pattern. For example, if you play a chord, all the notes in the chord play the
pattern in harmony. Xtreme Lead contains 200 factory patterns and 100
user definable patterns.
arp: Sine Drum


Table of Contents

Table of Contents