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Volume Envelope

Factory Mode is useful
for Instruments containing
multiple drums, since each
drum can have its own
envelope settings.
_ _ _ _
If two adjacent
segments have the same level
in a "time-based" envelope, the
segment will be skipped.
Adjacent segments must have
different levels for the rate
control to work.
An envelope can be described as a "contour" which is used to shape the
sound over time. The Volume Envelope controls the volume of the sound in
the current layer over time. The way the volume of a sound evolves has a
profound effect on how we perceive the sound.
Each instrument has its own Factory preset Volume Envelope setting. The
Volume Envelope allows you to program your own envelope settings.
Selecting the Mode
The Mode field determines whether the layer will use the instrument's
default envelope (Factory) or use the user-programmed Volume Envelope.
There are three mode options and repeat.
• Factory: Uses the factory preset envelope contained in each instrument.
If you select the "Factory" mode, the Volume Envelope parameters are
disabled and the factory defined settings are used instead.
Mode: factory
• Time-based: Defines the Volume Envelope rates from 0 to 127 (approxi-
mately 1 ms to 160 seconds). The Master clock has no affect on time-
based rates.
• Tempo-based: The Volume Envelope times vary based on the master
tempo setting. Note values are displayed instead of a number when the
time corresponds to an exact note value. Tempo-based envelopes are
useful when using external sequencers and arpeggiators because the
envelope rates compress and expand according to the Master Tempo set-
ting, keeping the envelopes in sync with the sequence or arpeggio.
= Initial Setting
= Increase Master Tempo
= Decrease Master Tempo
Tempo-based envelope rates change according to the Master Tempo rate.
Defining Layer Parameters
Tempo-Based Envelopes
Xtreme Lead-1 Operation Manual 135
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