Audi A6 2016 Owner's Manual page 249

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Check and cor rect the seating of the snow
chains if necessary after driving a few feet. Fol-
low the instructions from the manufacturer .
Note the maximum permitted speed when driv-
ing with snow chains. Do not exceed 30 mph
(SO km/h) .
Snow chains not only improve the driving in win-
ter road cond itions, but also the braking.
Use of snow chains is only permitted with certain
rim/tire combinations due to tec hnical reasons.
Check with an authorized Audi dealer or author-
ized repair facility to see if you may use snow
You must remove the chains when driving on
roads that are
of snow. When roads are free
of snow, snow chains can impair handling and
damage the t ires, and the chains w ill quickly be
destroyed .
Using incorrect snow chains or installing snow
chains incorrect ly can result in loss of vehicle
cont rol, w hich increases the risk of an acci-
- Snow chains can damage the rims/wheel
covers* if the chains come into direct con-
tact wi t h them . Remove the whee l covers*
first. Use coated snow chains.
- Using snow chains t hat add more t han 0.4
inch (10.5 mm) of height can severely dam-
age the wheel housings and othe r vehicle
components .
- Do not install and use snow chains if t here is
a mal f unct ion in the adaptive air suspen-
sion*, because the vehicle height wi ll be
very low. If you drive with snow chains any-
way, the wheel housings and othe r vehicle
components can be severely damaged.
Low aspect ratio tires
Your Audi is factory -equipped with low aspect ra-
tio tires . These t ires have been tho rough ly tested
and been selected specifically for your model fo r
Wh e el s
their superb performance, road fee l and handling
under a variety of driving conditions . Ask your au-
thorized Audi dealer fo r more detai ls.
The low aspect rat io of t hese t ires is indicated by
a numeral of 55 or less in the tire's size designa-
tion . The numera l represents the ratio of the
t ire's sidewall height in relation to its tread w idth
expressed in percentage. Conventiona l tires have
a height/width ratio of 60 or more.
The performance of low-aspect- ratio tires is par-
ticularly sensitive to imprope r inflat ion pres-
sure. It is the refore important that low aspect
rat io tires are inflated to the specifi ed pressure
and that the inflation pressure is regularly
checked and maintain ed. Tire pressures should
be checked at least once a month and always
before a long trip
What you can do to avo id tire and rim
Low aspect ratio tires can be damaged more easi-
ly by impact w ith pot holes, curbs, gullies or
ridges on the road, particularly if the tire is un-
deri nflated.
In orde r to m inimize the occurrence of impact
damage to t he tires of your vehicle , we recom-
me nd that you observe the following pre cau-
t ions:
- Always maintain recommended inflat ion pres-
sures. Check yo ur t ire pressure every 2,000
m iles (3,00 0 km) and add air if necessary.
- Drive carefully on roads w it h potholes, deep
gullies or ridges. The impact from dr iving
t hrough or over such obstacles can damage
your t ires. Impac t wit h a curb may also cause
damage to your tires.
- Afte r any impact , immed iate ly inspect yo ur
t ires or have t hem inspected by the nearest au-
thorized Audi dealer. Replace a damaged tire as
soon as possible.
- I nspect your tires every 2,000 miles (3,000 km)
for damage and wear. Damage is not always
easy to see. Damage can lead to loss of air and
underinflation, wh ich could eventually cause
tire fa il ure. If you believe that a tire may have
been damaged, replace the tire as soon as pos-
sible .


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This manual is also suitable for:

S6 2016

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