Audi A6 2016 Owner's Manual page 154

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Airb a g syste m
Safety belts are important to help keep front
seat occupants in the proper seated position so
that airbags can unfold properly and provide sup -
plemental protection in a frontal collision.
The front airbags are designed to provide addi-
tional protection for the chest and face of the
driver and the front seat passenger when:
- safe ty belts are worn properly,
- the seats have been posit ioned so that the oc-
cupan t is properly seated as far as possible
from the airbag,
- and for adjustable head restraints: the head re-
straints have been prope rly adjusted.
Because airbags inflate in the blink of an eye with
g reat fo rce, things you have on your lap or have
placed on the seat could become da ngerous pro -
jectiles, and be pushed into you if the airbag in-
flates .
When an a irbag deploys, fine dust is re leased.
This is normal and is not caused by a fire in the
vehicle. This dust is made up mostly of a powder
used to lubricate the airbags as they deploy. It
could irritate skin.
It is important t o remember that whi le the sup -
plemental a irbag sys t em is designed t o reduce
the likelihood of serious injuries, other injuries,
for example swelling, bruising and minor abra -
sions, can a lso happen when airbags inflate . Air-
bags do not protect the arms or the lower parts
of the body. Front airbags supplement the three-
point safety belts only in some frontal collisions
in which the veh icle decelerat ion is high enough
to deploy the airbags .
Front airbag s will not deplo y :
- if the ignit ion is switched off when a crash oc-
- in s ide collisions,
- in rear-end collisions,
- in rollovers,
- whe n the crash decelerat ion meas ured by the
airbag system is less t han the minim um thresh-
o ld needed for airbag deployment as registered
by the electronic contro l unit.
The front passenge r airbag also will not
deplo y:
- when the front passenger seat is not occupied,
- when the e lectrical capacitance measured by
the capacitive passenger detection system for
the front passenger seat ind icates that the pas-
senger s ide frontal a irbag must be switched off
by the electron ic control un it (the
page 154 and how they
work comes on and stays on) .
Sitt ing in the wrong posit ion can increase the
risk of serious injury in cras hes.
- To reduce the risk of injury when the airbags
inflate, the drive r and passenge rs must al-
ways sit in an up right posit ion, m ust not
lea n aga inst or place any part of t heir body
too close t o the area where the airbags are
located .
- Occupants who are unbe lted, out of posit ion
or too close to the airbag can be serio us ly
injured by an airbag as it unfolds with g reat
force in the blink of an eye~ page
A child in a rearward-facing child seat instal-
led on the front passenger seat will be seri-
ously injured and can be killed if the front air-
bag inflates - even with an Advanced Airbag
- The inflating airbag will hit the ch ild seat or
infant carrier with great force and will
smash the child seat and child against the
backrest, cen t er armrest, doo r or roof.
- Always install rear-fac ing ch ild seats on the
rear seat.
- If you must install a rearwa rd facing child
seat o n the front passenge r seat because of
except io nal circumstances and the
ligh t does not come on
and st ay on, immed iate ly ins t all the rea r-
facing chi ld seat in a rear seating posit ion
and have the airbag system inspected by
your Audi dea ler.


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This manual is also suitable for:

S6 2016

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