Audi A6 2016 Owner's Manual page 229

Table of Contents


• sparks
• fl ames
· smoking.
Wh en a batt ery is charged, it produces
hyd rogen gas which is explosive and
could cause personal injury .
Always keep the batter y well out of
reach of child ren.
Whenever working on the battery or on the
electrical system, there is the risk of injury,
accident and even fire. Read and heed the fol-
lowing WARNINGS:
- Always wear eye protection. Do not let bat-
tery acid or any lead pa rticles get on your
skin or cloth ing. Shield your eyes. Explosive
gases can cause blindness or other injury .
- Battery acid contains su lf uric ac id. Sulfur ic
acid can cause blindness and severe burns.
-Always wear gloves and eye protection. Do
not tilt the battery because acid could leak
out of the ventilat ion open ings.
- If you get battery acid in your eyes or on
your skin, immediately rinse with cold wa-
ter for seve ral minutes and get medical at·
tention .
- If you should ingest any battery acid, seek
medical attention immediately .
- Do not expose the battery to an open flame,
electric sparks or an open light.
- Do not smoke.
- Do not interchange the positive and nega -
tive cab les.
- When working on the battery, be sure not to
short-c ircuit the terminals with tools or oth-
er meta l objects. This wou ld cause the bat-
tery to heat up very quickly, which could
lead to damage or explosion and persona l
- When a battery is charged, it produces hy-
drogen gas which is explosive and could
cause pe rsonal injury.
- Always keep the battery well out of the
reac h of children .
Ch e c k ing an d Filling
- Before work is done on the electrical sys-
tem, disconnect the negat ive ground cable.
- Before performing any work on the electri-
cal system, switch off the engine and igni-
tion as well as any electrical equ ipment. The
negat ive cable on the battery must be dis-
connected . If you are just going to replace a
light bulb, then it is enough to switch off
the lights.
- Before d isconnecting the battery, switch off
the anti-theft a larm system! Otherwise you
will set off the alarm.
- When disconnecting the battery, first dis-
connect the negat ive cable and then the
positive cable.
- Before reconnect ing the battery, make sure
all electrical consumers a re switched off.
Reconnect the positive cable first and then
the negative cable. Never int erchange the
cables - this could start a fire !
- Never cha rge a froze n or a thawed-out bat -
t ery . It could explode! If a battery has fro-
zen, then it must be replaced. A discharged
battery can freeze over at 32 °F (0 °C).
- Make sure the vent hose is always attached
to the opening on the side of the battery.
- Never use batteries which are damaged.
There is the danger of an exp losion! Always
replace a damaged battery .
California Proposition 65 Warning:
- Bat tery posts, term inals and related acces -
sories contain lead and lead compounds,
chemicals known to the State of California
to cause cancer and reproductive prob lems.
Was h hands after handling.
- Do not disconnect the vehicle battery when
the ignition is on or when the engine is run-
ning, otherwise, you will damage electronic
components in the electrical system.
- If your ve hicle is go ing to stand for a long
period of time without being driven, protect
the battery from "freezing", otherwise it


Table of Contents

This manual is also suitable for:

S6 2016

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