Audi A6 2016 Owner's Manual page 164

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Airb a g syste m
How supplemental side airbags work
Side airbags deploy instantly and can help re-
duce the risk of upper torso injuries for occu-
pants who are properly restrained .
Fig. 163
Infla ted side airbags on lef t side of vehicle, rear
side airbag
When the system is triggered, the a irbag is filled
with propellant gas and breaks through a seam in
the seat surface area ma rked "AIRBAG". It ex-
pands between the side trim pane l and the pas-
senger. In order t o help provide th is additiona l
protection, the side ai rbag must inflate within a
fraction of a second at very high speed and with
great force . The supplementa l side airbag could
injure you if your seating position is not proper or
upright or if items are located in the area where
the supplemental
side airbag expands . This ap -
plies especially to children
page 166, Child
safety .
side a irbags inflate be-
tween the occupant and the door pane l on the
side of the vehicle that is struck in certa in side
coll is ion
~ fig. 163.
Although they are not a soft pillow, they can
"cushion" the impact and in th is way they can
help to reduce the risk of injury to the uppe r part
of the body .
A fine dust may develop when the airbag deploys .
This is normal and does not mean there is a fire
in the vehicle .
Important safety instructions on the side
airbag system
Airbags are only supplemental restraints . Always
properly wear safety belts and ride in a proper
seating position .
There is a lot that you and your passengers must
know and act according ly to help t he safety belts
and airbags do t heir job to prov ide supplemental
protect ion .
An inflating side airbag can cause serious or
fatal injury. Improperly wearing safety be lts
and improper seating posit ions increase the
risk of serious persona l injury and death
whenever a vehicle is being used.
- In order to reduce the risk of injury when
the supplemental
side airbag inflates:
- Always sit in an upr ight position and never
lean agains t the area where the supple-
mental s ide airbag is located .
- Never let a child or anyo ne e lse rest t heir
head against the side tr im panel in the
area where t he s upplementa l side airbag
inflates .
- Always make s ure t hat safety belts are
worn correctly,
- Do no t let anyone s itting in the front seat
put t heir hand or any other parts of t heir
body out of the window.
- Always make sure that the side a irbag can
inflate w ithout interference.
- Never install seat covers or replacement
upholstery over the front seatbacks that
have not bee n specifical ly approved by
- Never use additional seat cushions that
cover the areas where the side airbags de-
- Damage to the orig inal seat cove rs or to
the seam in the area of the s ide airbag
module must a lways be repaired immedi-
ate ly by an autho rized Audi dealer .
- Objects between you and the a irbag can in-
crease the risk of injury in an acc iden t by in-
t erfering wit h the way the airbag unfolds or


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This manual is also suitable for:

S6 2016

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