Audi A6 2016 Owner's Manual page 159

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If the capacitive passenger detection system
determines that the front passenger seat is
empty, the frontal airbag on the passenger
side will be turned off, and the PASSENGER
AI R BAG OFF light will stay on.
Repair , care and disposal of the airbags
Parts of the a irbag system are installed at many
d ifferent places on your Aud i. Installing, remov-
ing, servic ing or repa iring a part in an area of the
vehicle can damage a part of an airbag system
and prevent that system from working properly
in a collision.
There are some important things you have to
know to make su re t hat the effectiveness of the
system w ill not be impaired and that discarded
do not cause injury or pollute the
environment .
Improper care, serv icing and repa ir proce-
dures can increase the risk of personal injury
and death by preventing an airbag from de-
ploying when needed or deploying an airbag
- Never cover, obstruct, or change the steer-
ing wheel horn pad or a irbag cover or the in-
strument panel or mod ify them in any way.
- Never attach any objects such as cup holders
or te lephone mountings to the su rfaces cov-
er ing the airbag units.
- For cleaning the ho rn pad or instrument
pane l, use on ly a soft, dry cloth or one mois-
tened with plain water. Solvents or cleaners
cou ld damage the a irbag cover or change
the stiffness or strength of the mater ial so
that the airbag cannot dep loy and protect
- Never repair, adjust, or change any parts of
the airbag system.
- All work on t he steering wheel, instr ument
pane l, front seats or electrical system (in-
cluding the installation of audio equipment,
cellu lar telephones and CB rad ios, etc.)
must be performed by a qualified technician
Airb a g sys tem
who has the t raining and spec ial equ ipment
- For any wo rk on the airbag system, we
strong ly recommend that you see yo ur au-
thorized Audi dealer or qualified workshop.
- Never modify the front bumper or parts of
the vehicle body.
- Always make sure that the side a irbag can
inflate w ithout interference:
- Never ins tall seat covers or replacement
upholste ry ove r the front seatbacks that
have not been specifica lly approved by
- Never use addi t ional seat cushions that
cove r the a reas where the side airbags in-
- Damage to the orig inal se at cove rs or to
the se a m in the area of t he s ide airbag
module must a lways be repaired immedi-
ate ly by an authorize d Aud i dealer.
- The airb ag system can deploy on ly on ce. Af-
ter an airbag has been deployed, it must be
replaced with new replacement
parts de-
signed and approve d espec ially for your
Aud i model version. Replacement of com-
plete airbag systems or airbag components
m ust be performed by qualified workshops
only . Make sure that any airbag service ac-
tion is entered in you r Audi Warranty
Maintenance boo klet under AIRBAG RE-
- For safety reasons in severe accidents, the
alternator and starte r are separated from
the vehicle ba tte ry with a pyro te chnic circuit
- Work on the pyrotechnic circuit interrupt-
er must on ly be performed by a qualif ied
technic ians who have the exper ience, in-
format ion and specia l tools necessa ry to
perfo rm the wor k safely.
- If the vehicle or the circuit interr upte r is
scrapped, all applicable safety precautions
must be followed.


Table of Contents

This manual is also suitable for:

S6 2016

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