Audi A6 2016 Owner's Manual page 119

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.. While driving in reverse gear, adjust the steer -
ing wheel ang le to fit the parkin g space with
the a id of the orange orientation lines
General information on page 115,
c:> (D
in Gen-
eral information on page 116. @
displays the
rear bumper . Stop the veh icle, at the latest,
when the red or ientat ion line @ bo rders an ob-
Parallel parking
App lies to vehicles : wit h re arview camera
This view may be used when parallel parking
along the side of a street.
Fig. 128 I nfotai nm ent: blue surface a ligned wit h park ing
Fig. 12 9 I nfota inm ent : contac t of t he blue curved line wit h
t he curb
Pa rking on the right is descr ibed here. It is iden t i-
cal whe n pa rking on the left .
If there is an obstacle next to the pa rking space
(such as a wall), refe r to "Information for park ing
next to obstacles"
page 117 .
.. Activate the turn s ignal.
.. Pos ition your vehicle next to a parked veh icle in
front of the desired parking space. The d istance
syst ems
to this vehicle shou ld be app roximately 3 ft (1
m) .
.. Turn the Infotainment
on and shift into reverse
gear . The park ing system is turned on and the
cross parking view is displayed .
.,. Press the contro l button on the Infotainment
fig . 128 .
The parallel parking indica-
to r is d isp layed .
.,. Back up and align your veh icle so the blue a rea
bo rde rs on t he rea r end of t he vehicle be-
hind you or on the park ing spa ce line
General information on page 115,
c::> ( D
in Gen-
eral information on page 116.
The blue area
represents an extension of the ve hicle's outline
by approximate ly 16 ft (5 meters) to the rear.
The long side of the blue area should be on the
curb . The ent ire blue area must fit into the
pa rking space .
.,. With the vehicle st opped, t urn the stee ring
wheel to the right as far as it will go .
.,. Back up into the park ing spot. Whe n the blue
fig . 129
is near the curb
in Gener-
al information on page 115,
stop the vehicle
c::> ( D
in General information on page 116 .
.. With the vehicle stopped, t urn the steering
wheel to the left as far as it will go .
.. Continue to back into the parking space until
the vehicle is parked para lle l to t he curb
in General information on page 115,
c::> ( D
General information on page 116. @
d isp lays
t he rea r bumpe r. Stop the ve hicle, at the lat est,
when t he red o rient ation line @ bor d ers an o b-
ject. Keep a n eye on the fron t of your vehicle
while do ing this.
Parking next to obstacles
When there is an obstacle (suc h as a wall) next to
t he pa rking space, choose a spa ce with mo re
spa ce on t he s ides. Posi t ion t he long side of the
blue su rface so t hat the re is suff icient space from
the obstacle . The su rface must not be touching.
You will also need to start t urn ing the steer ing
whee l much earlier. The b lue curve
c:> f ig. 129
must not touch the obstacle, but rathe r the re
sho uld be enough d istance .


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This manual is also suitable for:

S6 2016

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