Audi A6 2016 Owner's Manual page 166

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syste m
below the reference value programmed into the
control unit, the side curtain airbag will not be
triggered, even though the car may be bad ly
damaged as a result of the collision. It is not pos-
sible to define an airbag triggering range that
will cover every possible angle of impact , since
the circumstances will vary cons iderably between
one collision and another . Important factors in-
clude, for example, the nature (hard or soft) of
the impacting object, the angle of impact, vehicle
speed, etc. ¢
page 164, How side curtain air-
bags work.
Aside from their normal safety function, safety
be lts work to help keep the driver or front pas-
senger in pos it ion in the event of a collision so
that the side curtain airbags can provide protec -
tion .
The airbag system is not a substitute for your
safety belt. Rather, it is part of the overa ll occu-
pant restraint system in your vehicle. Always re-
member that the airbag system can only he lp to
protect you if you are wearing your safety belt
and wear ing it properly . This is another reason
why you should always wear your safety belts ,
not just because the law requires you to do so
page 134, General information.
It is important to remember that while the s ide
curtain airbag system is designed to help reduce
the likelihood of serious injuries, other injuries,
for example, swel ling, bruising, fr iction burns
and minor abrasions can also be assoc iated with
these airbags upon deployment . Remember too,
these airbags will deploy only once and only in
certain kinds of acc idents -your safety be lts are
always there to offer protection.
The side curtain airbag system basically
consists of:
- The electronic control module and external side
impact sensors
- The side curtain airbags above the front and
rear side windows with ejection mitigation fea -
- The airbag indicator light in the instrument
The airbag system is monito red electronically to
make certa in it is funct ion ing properly at all
times. Each time you switch on the ignition, the
airbag system indicator light will come on for a
few seconds (se lf diagnostics).
The side curtain airbag is not activated:
- if the igni t ion is sw itched off,
- in side collisions when the acceleration meas-
ured by the sensor is too low,
- in rear-end collisions.
- Safety belts and the airbag system will only
provide protection when occupants are in
the proper seat ing position¢
page 53, Gen-
eral information.
- If the airbag ind icator light¢ page 18
comes when the vehicle is being used, have
the system inspected immediately by your
author ized Audi dealer. It is possible that
the airbag will inflate when it is not sup-
posed to, or will not inflate when it should.
How side curtain airbags work
Side curtain airbags can work together with side
airbags to help reduce the risk of head and upper
torso injuries for occupants who are properly re-
Fig. 165
Illus trat ion of principle: Inflated s ide curtain air-
bags on the left side
The side curtain airbags inflate between the oc-
cupant and the windows on the side of the veh i-
cle that is struck in a side collision ¢
fig. 165 .
When the system is triggered, the s ide curtain
airbag is filled with propellant gas and breaks
through a seam above the front and rear side
windows identified by the AIRBAG label. In order ..,.


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This manual is also suitable for:

S6 2016

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