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Philips VR6670 Manual page 16


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- 'Tis the first of the month, '2' the second and so on up to'31'.
- If today is the 16th of the month and you program the date a as
'14', recording will be made on the 14th of next month.
- Press Reset (RUCKST.) button 10 to set the date to today.
- For a TV programme starting at midnight, remember to give the
following date.
- If for a TV programme the given VPS start time is after midnight,
the date of the following day must be selected.
- Select indication 'TGL' on the Display and on the Vs screen for a
daily recording to be made at the same time every-day until the
block is You can select 'TGL' by pressing Up + button 2 once
after indication '31' is shown.
(Selecting the block to be cleared can only be done using the Up"
+ or Down
— buttons or the digit buttons on the remote
- Select on the Display indication 'WOCH' and the correct
weekday or TV screen for instance 'SU' for a weekly recording to
be made every the same day and at the same time until the block
is cleared.
You can select 'WOCH' and the correct weekday by pressing
Down =~ button 2 one or more times after indication '1' is shown.
(Selecting the block to be cleared can only be done using the Up
+ or Down
— buttons or the digit buttons on the remote
) Press the Timer © button again.
The Display shows 'PROG' and the last programmed TV station.
On the TV screen the OSD information 'WAEHLE PROGRAM
UND VPS. WEITER MIT "TIMER'-TASTE' (select programme
number and press Timer button) is shown:
20:15 = 21:50
09 Svesoic
@ In addition, on the Display and the TV screen the 'VPS'
indicator light up to indicate that the VPS control has been
switched on for this block.
By pressing Reset (RUCKST.) button 10 you can switch off the
VPS control for this block (indication 'VPS' is no longer lit) or
switch it on again.
- When the VPS control is switched on the video recorder will go
into recording standby 28 hours (maximum) before the
programmed start time. If the TV station does not transmit a VPS
code the VPS control will automatically be out of operation. The
recording will then be carried out in accordance with the
programmed start and stop times.
- If during programming the VPS control has been switched off,
the video recorder will switch on at the programmed time, start
recording and stop at the programmed stop time. Any VPS code
transmitted by the TV station cannot control the video recorder.
@ Use the Up + or Down — button or the digit buttons on the
remote control to select the correct TV station from which to
14 G@
© Complete the programming by pressing the Timer © button
once more.
The Display returns to its previous indication and 'TIMER' is lit.
On the TV screen the OSD information 'PROGRAMMIERUNG
FERTIG' (programming completed) is shown:
20:15 = 21:50
- The Display and the TV screen may also show a warning:
'CASS' flashing on the Display and. 'KEINE CASSETTE' flashing
on the TV screen indicate that no cassette is loaded.
the TV screen indicate that a protected cassette is loaded.
@ You can still use the video recorder normally after
programming a timed recording, but be sure to switch the video
recorder to standby by pressing On/Standby button | © 24
before the programmed recording take place.
@ If the VPS control is switched on, it is possible that you will see
the TV programme again after pressing the On/Standby |
button. This happens when the TV set is switched on and the
pre-selector reserved for the video recorder is selected. The VPS
control is then searching for the VPS signal.
(See Video Programm System at the end of this section.)
® If the video recorder is used manually when a timed recording
is due to take place, 'TIMER' flashes on the Display.
® Press On/Standby @ button 24 to start the timed
Once a timed recording has started, the video recorder is
protected against accidental manual operation.
If you want to stop a timed recording which is in progress, first
press Timer © button 4 and then Reset (RUCKST.) button 10.

