User Interface (Api); Pre-Compile Configuration - Renesas FSL-T06 User Manual

Flash self-programming library
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Flash Self-Programming Library
Chapter 5

5.1 Pre-compile configuration

R01US0046ED Rev. 1.01
User Manual

User Interface (API)

The pre-compile configuration of the FSL is located in the FSL_cfg.h. The user
has to configure all parameters and attributes by adapting the related constant
definition in that header-file.
This file may also contain device or application specific defines. The define
FSL_STATUS_CHECK needs to be configured. It defines whether the status
check should be performed by the firmware or by the user to allow execution of
user code in between the status checks.
Following configuration options are possible:
As described in the previous chapter the library behaviour changes depending on
the configure mode.
Additionally, in status check user mode, user can enable or disable polling in the
activation and deactivation functions of the library by setting following define:
If the activation polling is disabled, the function will automatically return after the
activation operation is finished. The activation / deactivation process needs
longer execution time than any other operation. As this operation is normally
executed once at the beginning, the longer execution time is acceptable. By
setting the pre-processor define, the process is split up and the execution is
controlled by the status check like normal Flash operations. So the function
execution time is reduced.
less CPU time
less activation / deactivation time
user code execution during Self-Programming
more RAM consumption
status polling necessary
User Interface (API)


Table of Contents

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