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Mikko Huurre
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Maintenance manual
Scandia OT340
Kari Järvinen
Lojer Oy,
Ville Laine
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Tampere 2007
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Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Lojer Scandia OT340

  • Page 1 View metadata, citation and similar papers at CORE brought to you by provided by Theseus TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU Kone- ja tuotantotekniikan koulutusohjelma Kone- ja laiteautomaatio Tutkintotyö Mikko Huurre Maintenance manual Scandia OT340 Työn valvoja Kari Järvinen Työn teettäjä Lojer Oy, Ohjaaja Ville Laine Tampere 2007...
  • Page 2 Kari Järvinen TIIVISTELMÄ Tämän tutkintotyön tavoitteena oli suunnitella Lojer Oy:n uudelle Leikkauspöydälle Scandia OT340 huolto-ohjekirja. Tällä huolto-ohjekirjalla on tarkoitus tulla huoltamaan Leikkauspöytää määräaikaishuolloissa, tarkistuksissa ja mahdollisissa vikatilanteissa. Leikkauspöytä sisältää paljon elektroniikka ja hydrauliikkaa, joten tämän tyylinen tekniikka vaatii paljon huoltotoimenpiteitä sairaala olosuhteissa. Leikkauspöytää täytyy huoltaa määrävälein, jotta vältyttäisiin suuremmilta vahingoilta.
  • Page 3 Thesis Supervisor: Kari Järvinen ABSTRACT The purpose of this work was to make maintenance manual for Lojer new operating table Scandia OT340. With this maintenance manual is purpose to make a regular maintenances, check-ups and possible fixings for operating table.
  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU TUTKINTOTYÖ 4(34) Mikko Huurre CONTENTS PAGE 1 JOHDANTO..........................6 2 LOJER OY ...........................7 3 SAIRAALA KALUSTEET MAAILMALLA ................9 4 GENERAL ..........................10 5 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS.....................11 6 MAIN COMPONENTS ......................12 6.1 Base body ..........................12 6.2 Upper frame.........................13 6.3 Column ..........................13 7 CLEANING..........................14 7.1 Daily cleaning and disinfection ...................14...
  • Page 5 TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU TUTKINTOTYÖ 5(34) Mikko Huurre 11.5.3 Tilt and lateral sensor....................30 Replacing the sensor......................30 11.5.4 Height level sensor ....................30 Replacing the height level sensor ..................31 12 COLUMN..........................31 12.1 Adjusting the play in the column..................31 13 MAINTENANCE SOFTWARE ....................32 13.1 Calibrating the table sections to the zero position.............32 13.2 Changing foot pedal setups ....................33 14 SPARE PART LIST ..........
  • Page 6: Johdanto

    Huolto-ohjekirjaan on sisällytetty päivittäinen, kuukautis- ja vuosittaishuollot. Nämä auttavat huoltohenkilöä tekemään tärkeimmät tarkistukset ja korjaukset. Lojer Oy:ssä on oma huoltoryhmä huoltamaan kaikkia yrityksen tuotteita. Huoltohenkilöt koulutetaan myös uuden Scandia OT340 leikkaus pöydän huoltamiseen. Yrityksen omat huoltomiehet tekevät vuosihuollot leikkauspöytiin ja korjaavat mahdolliset vikatilanteet.
  • Page 7: Lojer Oy

    7(34) Mikko Huurre 2 LOJER OY Lojer Oy on 1919 perustettu metallialan yritys, jonka tuotteisiin kuuluu sairaalakalusteet, fysikaaliset hoito- ja kuntoutuslaitteet, sekä käsipumput. Yritys oli vanhalta nimeltään Vammalan Konepaja Oy, joka muutettiin vuonna 2004 Lojer Oy:ksi. Konserniin kuuluvat Lojer Oy (Vammalan tehdas), Temelex Oy, Rainer Rajala Oy ja Ruotsin fysioterapiatoimittaja Medema Physion.
  • Page 8 TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU TUTKINTOTYÖ 8(34) Mikko Huurre Kiikan Metalli Oy, Äetsässä on vuonna 1961 perustettu metallivalimo, jossa valmistetaan muun muassa pihakaivopumppujen osia, sekä muita valuosia. Kiikan Metalli Oy työllistää tällä hetkellä kahdeksan henkilöä. Ghanira Ltd. on vuonna 1993 perustettu tytäryritys Accrassa, Ghanassa. Suomalais-ghanalainen yritys valmistaa käsipumppuja hieman yli 200 kappaletta vuosittain ja markkinoi niitä...
  • Page 9: Sairaala Kalusteet Maailmalla

    Yhä vaativammat leikkaukset vaativat myös monipuolisen leikkauspöydän. Tämän takia leikkauspöytien valmistajat joutuvat lisäämään pöytiin yhä enemmän uusia ominaisuuksia. Uudessa Lojer Scandia OT340 leikkauspöytään on lisätty kaikki vaadittavat ominaisuudet. Leikkauspöytää voi liikuttaa joka suuntaan ja siihen on lisätty ajomoottori. Leikkauspöydän täytyy olla mahdollisimman tukeva, joka taas vaatii enemmän rautaa.
  • Page 10: General

    Be sure that this manual is always available and keep it together with other attachment device instructions. The Lojer Scandia operating table is intended for use in general surgery and it is also a suitable for day surgery needs. Scandia OT 340 is high technological operating table with electro-hydraulic movements and it is very easy to move ascribe to driving motor.
  • Page 11: Technical Specifications

    TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU TUTKINTOTYÖ 11(34) Mikko Huurre 5 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions and weights Overall length 2040 mm Width of table top 550 mm Width over accessory rails 605 mm Unladen weight of operating 250 kg table Maximum permissible patient 260 kg weight Adjustment ranges Height (without pads)
  • Page 12: Main Components

    TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU TUTKINTOTYÖ 12(34) Mikko Huurre Ambient conditions for operation Temperature +10° C to + 40° C Relative air humidity 30 % to 75 % Air pressure 700 hPa to 1060 6 MAIN COMPONENTS 6.1 Base body Column Battery Driving wheel control unit Side covers Charger...
  • Page 13: Upper Frame

    TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU TUTKINTOTYÖ 13(34) Mikko Huurre 6.2 Upper frame Head-section 40-section 20-section Upper frame Gyne-section 6.3 Column Hydraulic oil tank Trendelenburg cylinder Hydraulic motor Tilt cylinder Valves C6 control card Valve rotation motors...
  • Page 14: Cleaning

    TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU TUTKINTOTYÖ 14(34) Mikko Huurre 7 CLEANING 7.1 Daily cleaning and disinfection The Scandia OT 340 has to be always cleaned after each operation before the next patient is taken in. Ensure that the cushions are protected from contact with oil or grease. Cushions with antistatic covers should be cleaned with a warm soap solution.
  • Page 15: Operating Table Pads

    TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU TUTKINTOTYÖ 15(34) Mikko Huurre IMPORTANT Switch off power from the standby switch before cleaning and detach the mains power cable. IMPORTANT Do not use shower, high-pressure water guns or similar for cleaning. Do not clean the operating table in room with high IMPORTANT temperature and air humidity.
  • Page 16: Maintenance And Repairs

    TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU TUTKINTOTYÖ 16(34) Mikko Huurre 8 MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS 8.1 Preventive maintenance program 8.1.1 Daily servicing After every cleaning and disinfection, the table conditions should be checked We recommend charging the batteries every day. This cause the batteries long service life 8.1.2 Monthly servicing The table conditions should be checked Check the table functions by moving to their extreme positions and...
  • Page 17: Removing The Casings

    TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU TUTKINTOTYÖ 17(34) Mikko Huurre 8.2 Removing the casings 8.2.1 Base casing When only lifting of the casing is needed If it not necessary to change the base casing, it is possible to lift up by using ropes. Undo 4 screws of base casing Lift up the casing and hang it up with ropes from the upper body Assemble the casing in reverse order...
  • Page 18: When Changing The Casing Is Needed

    TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU TUTKINTOTYÖ 18(34) Mikko Huurre When changing the casing is needed Removing the base casing needs a crane to lift up the upper body and the column. Replace the table up that how that its possible to take off the column screws from the bottom of base body Drive the table up to the maximum position Leave the table on the castors (Unlock)
  • Page 19: Column Casings

    TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU TUTKINTOTYÖ 19(34) Mikko Huurre 8.2.2 Column casings Drive the table up to the maximum position Undo the screws from the corner of upper casing to release the rubber cover Open the upper casing from the front side and let down the casings Open all the casings (see figure) and replace the new ones Be sure when moving the casing that it is IMPORTANT...
  • Page 20: Troubleshooting

    TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU TUTKINTOTYÖ 20(34) Mikko Huurre 9 TROUBLESHOOTING Symptom Failure Action None of the hand control The cable of the standard hand Check the cable connections and functions operate and no control is not connected. that the cable is intact. leds are visible.
  • Page 21 TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU TUTKINTOTYÖ 21(34) Mikko Huurre The hand control is Table is unlocked. Press table locking button to enable the turned ON, but table movements. functions do not operate. Drive motor does not Table is locked. Press table unlocking button to enable function the movements.
  • Page 22: Hydraulic

    TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU TUTKINTOTYÖ 22(34) Mikko Huurre 10 HYDRAULIC Power unit: Nominal voltage 24 VDC Power consumption max. 15 A Protection class IP54 Working pressure 140 bar 10.1 Checking the oil level All cylinders have to be retracted. Tilt and lateral in central position. The oil level should be 50 ±10 mm measured from the top edge of the tank.
  • Page 23: Electronics

    TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU TUTKINTOTYÖ 23(34) Mikko Huurre 11 ELECTRONICS 11.1 Battery LC-X1220P Nominal voltage 12 V Capacity 20 Ah Batteries are connected to parallel circuit to get the voltage 24 V 11.1.1 Replacing the batteries Turn the Stand by switch to the Off position Lift up the base casing (see 8.2.1) Undo the screws and the support frame Disconnect the wiring...
  • Page 24: Control Panel

    TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU TUTKINTOTYÖ 24(34) Mikko Huurre 11.2.2 Control panel Batteries main current fuse 20 A/24 V Charger ground connectors fuse 1.6 A/250 V Charger phase connectors fuse 1.6 A/250 V Main current 20A/24V Charger ground/phase connectors 1.6A/250V...
  • Page 25: Linear Rod Motors

    TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU TUTKINTOTYÖ 25(34) Mikko Huurre 11.3 Linear rod motors 11.3.1 Slide linear motor Replacing the slide motor Turn the Stand By switch to the Off position Undo the screws from the top of rubber cover which is fastened to the upper cover Undo the screws from back corner plate and take off the plate Disconnect the wiring of slide motor...
  • Page 26: Driving Wheel Rod Motor

    TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU TUTKINTOTYÖ 26(34) Mikko Huurre 11.3.2 Driving wheel rod motor Replacing the driving wheel motor Turn the Stand by switch to the Off position Lift up the base casing (see 8.2.1) Disconnect the wiring of motor Undo the mounting pins of motor support Release the motor from the support Assemble the motor in reverse order Mounting pins...
  • Page 27: Proximity Switches

    TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU TUTKINTOTYÖ 27(34) Mikko Huurre 11.4 Proximity switches 11.4.1 Slide linear motor Slide linear motor home-position proximity switch is situated under the upper cover. Replacing the proximity switch Drive slide motor forward to get proximity switch unconnected Turn the Stand by switch to the Off position Undo the screws from the top of rubber cover which is fastened to the upper cover Undo the two screws of proximity switch...
  • Page 28: Linear Motor For Driving Wheel

    TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU TUTKINTOTYÖ 28(34) Mikko Huurre 11.4.2 Linear motor for driving wheel Linear motor is situated on the top of the driving wheel support Replacing the proximity switch Drive the table up to the maximum position and on the floor locks (Lock) Turn the Stand by switch to the Off position Lift up the base casing (see “When only lifting of the casing is...
  • Page 29: Sensors

    TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU TUTKINTOTYÖ 29(34) Mikko Huurre 11.5 Sensors 11.5.1 Leg section accelerometer Leg section accelerometer is located to the hinge of leg part Replacing the accelerometer Drive the leg section to the middle position and raise the table to its highest position Turn the Stand by switch to the Off position Undo the screw from sheet metal hinge cover...
  • Page 30: Back Section Accelerometer

    TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU TUTKINTOTYÖ 30(34) Mikko Huurre 11.5.2 Back section accelerometer Back section accelerometer is located to the hinge of back part. Accelerometer is possible to replace as the leg section accelerometer. See 11.5.1 11.5.3 Tilt and lateral sensor Tilt and lateral sensor is located under the upper body Replacing the sensor Drive the table up to the maximum position and on the floor locks (Lock)
  • Page 31: Replacing The Height Level Sensor

    TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU TUTKINTOTYÖ 31(34) Mikko Huurre Replacing the height level sensor Drive the table up to the maximum position and on the floor locks (Lock) Turn the Stand by switch to the Off position Remove the column casing (See 8.2.2) Remove the base casing (See 8.2.1) Release the string from the top Undo the sensors support and the sensor from the base body...
  • Page 32: Maintenance Software

    TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU TUTKINTOTYÖ 32(34) Mikko Huurre 13 MAINTENANCE SOFTWARE 13.1 Calibrating the table sections to the zero position Calibrating the OT340, you need computer for use the Maintenance software. For connecting the OT340 and the computer, you need D9-D9 data cable. Make sure that the table Stand by switch is Off position Connect the computer to the service plug using a data cable Push the Stand by switch On position...
  • Page 33: Changing Foot Pedal Setups

    TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU TUTKINTOTYÖ 33(34) Mikko Huurre Push the Read sensors button Control the table to the zero position Push the Save calibration button Push the Stand by switch Off position Disconnect the data cable from Service plug Table is now calibrated and ready to use. You can test it by moving the sections and then pushing the 0-button.
  • Page 34 TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU TUTKINTOTYÖ 34(34) Mikko Huurre Open the Service software Select the Setup interleaf Press the read-button to see the old setups Choose the new commands Press save-button Push the Stand by switch Off position Disconnect the data cable from Service plug Foot pedal is now reprogrammed and ready to use.

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