Dataman 448PRO2AP-AU User Manual page 129

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Advanced options about Log file size limit are available too:
 option Use Log file text truncating when file size limit is reached - when checked, the Log file
size limit is on. It means that when Log file size reaches specified value, the part of text
included in Log file will be truncated. When the option is unchecked, the size of Log file is
unlimited, respectively is limited by free disk space only.
 option Maximum Log file size specifies the maximum size of Log file in kB.
 option Amount of truncated text specifies the percentage of Log file text, which will be
truncated after Maximum Log file size is reached. The higher value means more text will be
truncated (removed) from Log file.
Note: Lines start with '+' are shown in the log file, but not in the log at screen to keep better
overview of the on-screen log.
Common information:
Index of Programmer Site is integer number from 1 to 8 which defines unambiguously each
running Programmer Site.
Serial number of Programmer Site defines unambiguously the programmer or programmer
site used. Instance will search all programmers connected on USB Bus until it finds
programmer (site) with desired serial number. Programmers or Programmer Sites with different
serial numbers will be ignored. If the PG4UWMC does not find desired Programmer Site, the
Programmer Site will be set to Demo mode with status set to "Not found".
On one computer, 8 Programmer Sites can be run at the same time.
Job Report settings are used to set mode of using Job Report.
Job Report represents the summary description of operation recently made on device. Job is
associated with project file and it means the operation starting with Load project until loading of
new project or closing program PG4UWMC.
Job Report contains following information:
 project name
 project date
 Protected mode status
 PG4UWMC software version
 programmer type and serial number
 start time of executing the Job (it means time when Load project operation was performed)
 end time of executing the Job (time of creating the Job Report)
 device name
 device type
 checksum
 device operation options
 serialization information
 statistics information
Job Report is generated in following cases:
 user command Load project is selected
 closing or disconnecting programmer sites is selected
 closing the PG4UWMC
 device Count down counter reaches 0 (finished status)
 manually by user, when menu "File / Job Report" is used


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