Guarantee; Durability; Tensiometer T8; Soils And Soil Water - UMS T8 User Manual

Long-term monitoring tensiometer
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Tensiometer T8

1.4 Guarantee

UMS gives a guarantee of 12 months against defects in manufacture
or materials used. The guarantee does not cover damage through
misuse or inexpert servicing or circumstances beyond our control.
The guarantee includes substitution or repair and package but
representative before returning equipment. Place of fulfillment is
Munich, Gmunder Str. 37!

1.5 Durability

The nominal lifespan for outdoor usage is 10 years, but protection
against UV-radiation and frost as well as proper and careful usage
substantially extends the lifespan.
1.6 Tensiometer T8

1.6.1 Soils and soil water

All water movements in soils are directly depending on the soil water
tension as water - in soils as well as on the surface - always will
move from a point of higher potential to a point of lower potential.
The majority of soil water flows take place at small water tensions.
Only Tensiometers allow the direct and precise measurement of
these small tensions.
Naturally embedded soils are heterogeneous. Not only precipitation
and evaporation effect the processes, but also texture, particle size
distribution, cracks, compaction, roots and cavities. Due to these
heterogeneities the soil water tension varies. Thus, it is reasonable
to have multiple measuring points at least in soil horizons close to
the surface.

1.6.2 Intended use

The intended use of tensiometers is the measurement of soil water
tension respectively of matrix potential. These tensiometers work
from +100 kPa (water pressure) to -85 kPa (suction / soil water
If the soil gets drier than -85 kPa, the Tensiometer runs dry and must
be refilled as soon as the soil is sufficiently moist again (see chapter


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