KELVIN HUGHES HBK-4002 Quick Start Manual page 14

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4.7.3 Drop down boxes
Some functions require the use of a 'drop down' box. These are opened by clicking
anywhere within the button. For example; clicking anywhere in the speed sensor box will
produce the drop-down box; sensors can then be selected by left-clicking on any of the items
in the drop down list.
4.7.4 Sensor availability
Where a drop down box is opened, a list of configured sensors will be shown. The colour of
the text determines if the sensor is available for selection:
Pulse Log-Sea
Serial Log (VBW) Sea
4.7.5 Tabs
Certain menus are accessed by selecting tabs. These are selected by placing the cursor
over the tab and left clicking.
The text label for a tab may be a different colour.
- WHITE text means that the tab/ function is enabled and available for selection.
- BLACK text means the tab cannot be selected because:
a) A signal is enabled but is not being received, e.g. depth.
b) The tab is an optional feature that has not been enabled; e.g. CCTV input.
Kelvin Hughes
Getting started
Example of a drop-down box
If the text is WHITE, then the sensor is configured for use and
is available for selection.
If the text is BLACK, the sensor is configured for use but a
signal is not being received. This could be because the sensor
is switched OFF or has a fault. The sensor cannot be selected.
Example of enabled and disabled tabs:
The Spyscope and Wind tabs have WHITE text (tab enabled).
The Depth and CCTV tabs have BLACK text (tab disabled).
HBK-4002, issue 2 February 2013
Page 14 of 26
Quick Start Guide:
Speed sensor selection
Clicking inside any part of the button will
produce the drop-down box.


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