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Manual | EN
TwinCAT 2 | PLC Remote Synchronisation
2021-10-13 | Version: 1.0


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Beckhoff TS5066

  • Page 1 Manual | EN TS5066 TwinCAT 2 | PLC Remote Synchronisation 2021-10-13 | Version: 1.0...
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    E_Sync_FilterState .......................... 21 E_Sync_StartUpMode ........................ 22 3.10 ST_TimeSyncParameters ....................... 22 3.11 ST_TimeSyncDiagnostic ......................... 24 3.12 ST_AxisExtrapolateDiagnostic ...................... 24 3.13 ST_AxisExtrapolateParameters ...................... 25 3.14 E_Sync_ExtrapolateMode ....................... 25 3.15 E_Sync_ExtrapolateState........................ 26 3.16 E_Sync_ErrorCodes ........................ 26 3.17 E_Sync_WarningCodes ........................ 27 4 Example .............................. 28 Synchronisation of axes on different PCs ("distributed axes")............ 28 TS5066 Version: 1.0...
  • Page 4 Table of contents Version: 1.0 TS5066...
  • Page 5: Foreword

    EP1590927, EP1789857, EP1456722, EP2137893, DE102015105702 with corresponding applications or registrations in various other countries. ® EtherCAT is a registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Germany Copyright © Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG, Germany. The reproduction, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to others without express authorization are prohibited.
  • Page 6: Safety Instructions

    All the components are supplied in particular hardware and software configurations appropriate for the application. Modifications to hardware or software configurations other than those described in the documentation are not permitted, and nullify the liability of Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG. Personnel qualification This description is only intended for trained specialists in control, automation and drive engineering who are familiar with the applicable national standards.
  • Page 7: Overview

    In order to be able to correct the data, the variation of the information over time must be known. For the typical application of synchronization of distributed NC axes, for example, set position and velocity can be corrected through extrapolation with the set velocity and acceleration. TS5066 Version: 1.0...
  • Page 8 The following applies: p +Δt*v (+0.5*Δt ). Figure 4 shows the actual velocity of the axis driven with the corrected set position p . The disturbances shown in Figure 3 are no longer present. Version: 1.0 TS5066...
  • Page 9 [} 28] is available for demonstration purposes. Internally FB_AxisSync uses two function blocks, FB_TimeSync and FB_AxisExtrapolateValues. The block FB_TimeSync [} 14] is used for determining the beat frequency and for calculating the correction time Δt, FB_AxisExtrapolateValues [} 17] extrapolates the set values received with the correction time. TS5066 Version: 1.0...
  • Page 10: Plc Api

    Figure 1 shows the actual velocity of an axis operated directly via a network variable (position interface). The disturbances caused by beat effects due to step changes in the received set positions are clearly visible. Version: 1.0 TS5066...
  • Page 11 Fig. 5: Figure 1: Actual velocity of an axis directly operated with the received axis information (position interface). Figure 2 shows the actual velocity of an axis operated with values corrected through this function block. The previously observed disturbances have been corrected. TS5066 Version: 1.0...
  • Page 12 Critical Operating Notes Please ensure that the fcuntion block FB_AxisSync is called one time only in each plc cylce! VAR_INPUT VAR_INPUT     bEnable:              BOOL;     iCycleIndex:          WORD; Version: 1.0 TS5066...
  • Page 13 • Time : The time correction is calculated such that any beat effects and fluctuations are compensated. Further information can be found in the documentation for function block FB_TimeSync [} 14]. stAxisSyncDiagnostic : Diagnostic values [} 20] VAR_IN_OUT VAR_IN_OUT    AxisIn  : NCTOPLC_AXLESTRUCT;    AxisOut : NCTOPLC_AXLESTRUCT; END_VAR AxisIn : Input axis structure of the sender. TS5066 Version: 1.0...
  • Page 14: Fb_Timesync

    Fig. 7: Figure 1: Beat effect if the cycle time of the sender (S) is greater than that of the receiver (E). Corresponding sender and transmitter cycles are linked through lines. Fig. 8: Figure 2: Beat effect if the cycle time of the sender (S) is smaller than that of the receiver (E). Version: 1.0 TS5066...
  • Page 15 1 during each cycle, thus compensating step changes in the received cycle index. After a discontinuity has been identified (the time of occurrence of which is not yet foreseeable), the difference is compensated during the course of several cycles (stTimeSyncParameters.iTimeModeBlendingCycles). Once the required number of beats TS5066 Version: 1.0...
  • Page 16 _only_ fluctuations ( Δm≠1) are compensated. After identification of a beat during the initialization phase, a correction time of 0 is applied linearly withinstTimeSyncParameters.iExtendedStartUpBlendingCycles cycles. stTimeSyncDiagnostic: Structure [} 24] with advanced diagnostics outputs Version: 1.0 TS5066...
  • Page 17: Fb_Axisextrapolatevalues

    (dotted line). Figure 2 shows an overview of the situation. Fig. 10: Figure 1: Uncorrected (black, continuous) and corrected (red, dashed) set position and actual velocity (blue, dotted) of the axis driven with the _uncorrected_ position in the position interface. TS5066 Version: 1.0...
  • Page 18 FB_TimeSync [} 14] is used this is the case during the initialization phase or if synchronization fails for other reasons. This block can also be used with an optional time mode that enables a correction time for avoiding fluctuations to be determined during initialization without knowledge of the beat frequency. Version: 1.0 TS5066...
  • Page 19 : S [} 25]tructure with configuration parameters VAR_OUTPUT VAR_OUTPUT     bError                     : BOOL;     iErrorId                   : DINT;     eState                     : E_Sync_ExtrapolateState;     stAxisExtrapolateDiagnostic: ST_AxisExtrapolateDiagnostic; END_VAR bError : TRUE in the event of a fault iErrorId: Error code (E_Sync_ErrorCodes [} 26]) eState : Mode used (E_Sync_ExtrapolateState [} 21]) stAxisExtrapolateDiagnostic: Structure [} 24] with extended diagnostic outputs TS5066 Version: 1.0...
  • Page 20: St_Axissyncparameters

    If bSynced=FALSE and bTimeMode=TRUE, the fCorrectionTime value is calculated for avoiding fluctuations bTimeMode:TRUE if the time mode of the FB_TimeSync block is active stTimeSyncDiagnostic: Structure [} 24] with diagnostic outputs of the FB_TimeSync [} 14] block stAxisExtrapolateDiagnostic: Structure [} 24] with diagnostic outputs of the FB_AxisExtrapolateValues [} 17] block Version: 1.0 TS5066...
  • Page 21: E_Sync_Fallbackmode

    E_Sync_FilterState_Sync: The set values are extrapolated with the correction time. E_Sync_FilterState_Time: The time correction is calculated such that any beat effects and fluctuations are compensated directly after their occurrence. In contrast to sync mode, there is no preventive compensation of the calculated beat effects. TS5066 Version: 1.0...
  • Page 22: E_Sync_Startupmode

    =0. During each cycle in which the data remain constant the value is incremented by 1. In order to be able to respond to beat effects, the minimum value for is 1iAgeOfDataLimit. The higher the value, the more data lost during transfer, for example, are accepted. If the limits is exceeded, error Version: 1.0 TS5066...
  • Page 23 The following slope values are used by default: s1 = 0.95/0.5 =fSlope1Numerator/fSlope1Denominator s2 = 0.05/0.5= (1-fSlope1Numerator)/ (1-fSlope1Denominator) fSlope1Denominator : Specifies the time in fractions of the cycle time fTaskCycleTime, during which the part of the correction specified through fSlope1numerator is applied. TS5066 Version: 1.0...
  • Page 24: St_Timesyncdiagnostic

    : Current sender and the receiver phase difference in [ppm=parts per million]. A negative sign means that the cycle time of the sender is greater than that of the receiver. fDrift := 1E6/(number of cycles between two step changes) 3.12 ST_AxisExtrapolateDiagnostic extended output structure for FB_AxisExtrapolateValues [} 17]. TYPE ST_AxisExtrapolateDiagnostic :   STRUCT     fPositionDiff : LREAL := 0; Version: 1.0 TS5066...
  • Page 25: St_Axisextrapolateparameters

    E_Sync_ExtrapolateMode_Sync:The time correction is calculated such that any beat effects are compensated over the whole cycle duration. E_Sync_ExtrapolateMode_Time: The time correction is calculated such that any beat effects and fluctuations are compensated during and directly after their occurrence. TS5066 Version: 1.0...
  • Page 26: E_Sync_Extrapolatestate

    16#4b57 19287 16#4b58 19288 16#4b59 19289 E_Sync_Extrapolate_Error_MaxPosD "Maximum position iffExceeded difference exceeded " The difference between the actual position transmitted by the master and the position calculated for syncing is larger than the fMaxPositionDiff (configurable by input-values) Version: 1.0 TS5066...
  • Page 27: E_Sync_Warningcodes

    PLC API 3.17 E_Sync_WarningCodes Warning (Hex) Warning (Dec) Error name Description 16#1 E_Sync_Warning_DriftCh angedSignificantly TS5066 Version: 1.0...
  • Page 28: Example

    The second method, i.e. extrapolation taking onto account acceleration, is used as standard. If no adequately smooth acceleration value is available, application of the acceleration deactivated as described under FB_AxisExtrapolateValues [} 17]. The corrected axis information is made available as NCTOPLC_AXLESTRUCT. Version: 1.0 TS5066...
  • Page 29 Example Example The example consists of the following files: sample_axissync_master.tsm System manager setup of the sending PC. An axis is simulated ("MASTER") and its information sent as network variables via RT Ethernet. sample_axissync_slave.tsm System manager setup of the receiver. The information sent by the sender is received by the RT Ethernet device and linked with the variables of the PLC project.
  • Page 31 More Information: Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG Hülshorstweg 20 33415 Verl Germany Phone: +49 5246 9630

Table of Contents