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Physis Piano can be played with one or two Sounds at the same time. The term "keyboard mode" indicates how one or two
sounds can be used on different areas of the same keyboard. These areas are called "Parts".
The currently selected keyboard mode is showed on the top left of the display while on the main Sound page or on Sound
family lists. There are three Keyboard modes:
Single: plays only one Sound. The Sound assigned to Part 1 works on the whole keyboard.
Dual: two Sounds play at the same time on the whole keyboard. One is assigned to Part 1 and the other to Part 2.
Split: two Sounds play on two different Parts of the Keyboard. The key that divides the two areas is called "Split Point".
Part 1 is to the right of the split point, part 2 to the left.
The previous paragraph explains how to select a single Sound. This is how to select two:
From any video page press and hold a Sound family Key Touch, and at the same time a second Sound family Key Touch.
The first Key Touch will determine the Sound family assigned to Part 1, the second to Part 2.
The display will split up in two areas, upper and lower, showing Sounds from the selected families. The Sound selected
from the top list will be assigned to Part 1, the Sound selected from the lower list will be assigned to Part 2.
The keyboard mode, either Dual or Split appears on the top of the screen .
Press [+] or [-] to scroll the list. The selected sound will be immediately active.
To access the Sound list of a different Sound family, press either its dedicated Key Touch or [ ] o [ ].
To change the selection of the Sound of the other Part, use the Key Touch [ ] or [ ].
Press [F1] or [F3] to select one of the two quick selection Sounds for the Part 1. Quick selection sounds are indicated
beside these Key Touch. [F2] and [F4] select the Sound for the Part 2. The selected sound is immediately active.
To assign a Sound to a quick selection Key Touch, place the cursor to the desired Sound, then press and hold [F1], [F2],
EN - 25
User Manual – Sounds


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