Youcan Robot BW Space User Manual page 28

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Browse and share
Browse: Click the "Gallery" button to enter the browsing interface and browse
photos or videos.
Online browsing :
Click the "Gallery" button to enter the browsing interface. "Online" is displayed
at the top of the interface, which means that the photos and videos taken by the
drone are browsed when the BW Space and the WiFi Repeater are connected.
Download to local storage: Click the "Select" button in the upper right corner
of the screen, select the file you want to download, and select single or select
all; tap the "Download" button at the bottom of the screen, and the photos and
videos taken by BW Space will be stored on your phone or tablet.
Local browsing:
Click the "Gallery" button to enter the browsing interface. Select "Local" at the
top of the screen to browse photos and videos stored on your phone or tablet.
Select the photos and videos you want to share in the Gallery (browsing
interface), and tap the "Share" button at the bottom of the screen to share the
files to various social media.
Photos and Videos Exportation
Into mobile phone: Select the photos and videos to be downloaded in the
"Gallery" interface, click to download,the photos selected will be saved in the
mobile phone album. For editing or other purposes, you can export the photos
and videos to your computer by connecting your phone and your computer.
Into computer:
Visit the official website to download the latest version of the photo, video
export software Youcan Assistant;
Open the computer WiFi, search and connect the WiFi Repeater hotspot
Youcan_xxxx, initial password 12345678;
Open Youcan Assistant software, click Connect, enter the home page;
Select photos or videos, export them to your computer.


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