Vuly Flare Manual page 11

Table of Contents


A. Lay the curved poles, found in Box B, in a circle as
seen in the diagram, check that the springs holes on
your curved poles are facing up.
B. Lay your T-Joiners, found in Box D, between the
Curved Poles as seen in the diagram.
C. Attach your T-Joiners to the curved poles to create
the circular frame. Be sure to check that the holes
drilled on the circular part of the Joiner is facing
towards the middle of the circle.
A. Lay the Jump Mat (found in Box A) in the middle of the
assembled frame and locate the Batch Tag, the Batch tag
will be to the left of the entrance to the trampoline.
B. Using the Spring Tool, connect a spring to the D-Shackle left
of batch tag and then attach this to the left of the Joiner
where you wish the entrance to be, do the same to the
D-Shackle to the right of the Batch tag and then continue to
attach all the springs to the left and right of the Joiners.
(This will keep the frame locked together due to the tension from
the jump mat)
C. The Batch Tag line up with one of the joiners and the bottom
of Vuly Logo should face the center of two joiners.
Lay out the Straight Poles, found in Box
B, and your W-Poles, found in Box A as
seen in the diagram.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents