Hantek DSO5000P Series User Manual

Hantek DSO5000P Series User Manual

Digital storage oscilloscope
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DSO5000P Series
Digital Storage Oscilloscope
User Manual
(Version 1.1)


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Hantek DSO5000P Series

  • Page 1 DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual (Version 1.1)...
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Waveform Measurement ......................12 Chapter 5 Basic Operation ......................14 Display Area ........................... 14 5.1.1 XY Format ........................16 Horizontal Controls ......................... 16 5.2.1 Scan Mode Display (Roll Mode) ..................19 Vertical Controls ........................19 DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 3 Specifications ....................... 60 Technical Specifications ......................60 Accessories ..........................66 Chapter 9 General Care and Cleaning ..................67 General Care .......................... 67 Cleaning ..........................67 Appendix A Harmful and Poisonous Substances or Elements ............68 DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 4: Chapter 1 Safety Tips

    Do not operate with suspected failures. If you suspect there is damage to this product, have it inspected by qualified service personnel. Assure good ventilation. Do not operate in wet/damp environments. Do not operate in an explosive atmosphere. Keep product surfaces clean and dry. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 5: Safety Terms And Symbols

    To avoid them being released outside and to minimize the waste of natural resources, we suggest you reasonably call back this device to ensure proper recovery and recycling of most materials within it. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 6: Chapter 2 Overview

    7 inch color Table 2-1 Model List of DSO5000P Series DSO5000P Series oscilloscopes cover the bandwidths from 70MHz to 200MHz, and provide the real-time and equivalent sample rates respectively up to 1GSa/s and 25GSa/s. In addition, they have 7 inch color TFT LCD as well as WINDOWS-style interfaces and menus for easy operation.
  • Page 7 Turn the HELP SCROLL knob to highlight a help topic. Press the Show Topic option button to display the topic. NOTE: Press the Exit option button or any menu button to remove the Help text from the screen and return to displaying waveforms. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 8: Chapter 3 Getting Started Guide

    PROBE COMP connectors. There is a mark on the panel: Probe COMP ~5V@1KHz. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 9: Observe The Waveform

    Do not touch metallic portions of the probe head while it is connected to a voltage source. Connect the probe to the oscilloscope and connect the ground terminal to ground before you start any measurements. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 10: Use Of Probe Check Wizard

    3. If necessary, use a nonmetallic screwdriver to adjust the variable capacity of your probe until the shape of the waveform turns to be the same as the above figure. Repeat this step as necessary. See the figure below for the way of adjustment. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 11: Probe Attenuation Setting

    To compensate the signal path, disconnect any probes or cables from the front-panel input connectors. Then, push the UTILITY button, select the Do Self Cal option and follow the directions on the screen. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 12: Chapter 4 Main Feature Description

    Trigger Source: The trigger can be generated with multiple sources. The most common one is the input channel (alternative between CH1 and CH2). Whether the input signal is displayed or not, it can trigger normal operations. Also the trigger source can be any signal connected to an external DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 13 The TRIGGER LEVEL knob controls the trigger point is on which position of the edge. Trigger level can be adjusted vertically Rising Edge Falling Edge Trigger slope can be rising or falling DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 14: Data Acquisition

    To compare data, you may align a waveform over another. When you push the VOLTS/DIV button to change the vertical scale of a waveform, the waveform display will contract or expand vertically to the ground level. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 15: Waveform Measurement

    The time cursor appear as a vertical broken line, measuring the horizontal parameters. When using cursors, please make sure to set the Source to the waveform that you want to measure on the screen. To use cursors, push the CURSOR button. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 16 As this measurement uses the waveform record points, it is more precise than the graticule and cursor measurements. Automatic measurements show the measurement results by readouts which are periodically updated with the new data acquired by the oscilloscope DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 17: Chapter 5 Basic Operation

    The figure below illustrates the front panel of the DSO5000P series digital oscilloscope. DSO5000P...
  • Page 18 11. Readout points out horizontal waveform position 12. Trigger Type: : Edge trigger on the rising edge. : Edge trigger on the falling edge. : Video trigger with line synchronization. : Video trigger with field synchronization. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 19: Xy Format

    When you change the horizontal scale, the waveform will expand or contract to the screen center. The readout near the upper right of the screen shows the current horizontal position in second. M represents ‘Main Time Base’, and W indicates ‘Window Time Base’. The DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 20 Autoplay None specified speed. In the expanded window will display corresponding waveforms until it stops once reaching the rightmost side of the major scan window DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 21 When the major window is selected, this knob provides the same functions as it provides in single-mode window. When the minor window is selected, turn this knob to scale the waveform whose magnification is up to 1000. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 22: Scan Mode Display (Roll Mode)

    Push this knob to return waveforms to the vertical center position on the screen. Two channels correspond to two knobs. 2. Menu (CH1, CH2): Display vertical menu options; turn on or off the display of channel waveforms. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 23 Three types of window available for selection: Hanning, Flattop, Rectangular. CH1 or CH2 Zoom: Use the FFT Zoom button to adjust the window size. Scale: x1, x2, x5, x10. Note: All selected menus are highlighted in orange. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 24: Math Fft

    If you turn the SEC/DIV knob to select a faster setting (fewer cycles), the FFT spectrum will display a larger frequency range and reduce the possibility of FFT aliasing. To set the FFT display, follow the steps below. 1. Push the MATH MENU button; DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 25 Select a type of the FFT window. For more Window Rectangular information, refer to Section Change the horizontal magnification of the FFT FFT Zoom X1, X2, X5, X10 display. For detailed information, refer to Section DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 26 If the number of cycles is nonintegral, the YT waveform starts and ends at different amplitudes and transitions between the start and end points will cause discontinuities in the signal that introduces high-frequency transients. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 27 Better frequency, poorer amplitude accuracy than Flattop Waveform Periodic Flattop Better amplitude, poorer frequency accuracy than Hanning Waveform Pulse or Transient Special-purpose window applicable to discontinuous Rectangular Waveform waveforms. This is actually the same as no windows. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 28 X1(default), X2, X5 and X10. The FFT spectrum is magnified vertically to the marker M (math waveform reference point on the left edge of the screen). Turn the VERTICAL POSITION knob clockwise to move up the spectrum. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 29: Trigger Controls

    The trigger can be defined through the Trigger Menu and front-panel controls. There are six types of trigger: Edge, Video, Pulse Width, Swap, Slope and Overtime. Refer to the following tables to find a different set of options for each type of trigger. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 30 LF Reject: Blocks DC components and attenuates the low-frequency components below 8kHz. NOTE: Trigger coupling only affects the signal passed through the trigger system. It does not affect the bandwidth or coupling of the signal displayed on the screen. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 31 Select the components of the trigger signal applied to the Coupling HF Reject trigger circuit. LF Reject More Switch between submenu pages. Trigger When: The pulse width of the source must be ≥5ns so that the oscilloscope can detect the pulse. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 32 Select this option and press F3 to choose V1 or V2. ≠ When Select the trigger condition. < > With this option highlighted by pressing F4, turn the Time 20ns to 10.0sec multi-functional knob to set the time span. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 33 Select by F3. < > Set Pulse Push F4 to select. Adjust the multi-functional knob V0 to set Pulse Width Width the pulse width. Coupling Noise Reject Select by F5. HF Reject LF Reject DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 34 During the holdoff time, the oscilloscope will not trigger. For a pulse train, the holdoff time can be adjusted to let the oscilloscope trigger only on the first pulse in the train. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 35: Menu And Option Buttons

    Select the reference location to store or recall a waveform. RefB Save Save the source waveform to the selected reference location. Operation Ref on Display or remove the reference waveform on the screen. Ref off DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 36: Measure

    Calculate the arithmetic mean voltage over the entire waveform. Calculate the absolute difference between the greatest and the Pk-Pk smallest peaks of the entire waveform. CRMS Calculate the Root Mean Square voltage over the entire waveform. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 37 The time between the first rising edge of source 1 and the last rising edge of source 2. The time between the first falling edge of source 1 and the first rising edge of source 2. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 38: Acquire

    Detect glitches and eliminate the possibility of aliasing. Peak Detect (Real Time) Reduce random or uncorrelated noise in signal display. Average The number of averages is selectable. Averages Select the number of averages by pressing F3 or F4. (Real Time) DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 39 You can get a resolution of 40ps, i.e. 25GSa/s sample rate, which is much higher than that obtained in real-time acquisition. The acquisition principle is as follows. Input repeated signals First Acquisition Second Acquisition Third Acquisition Fourth Acquisition DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 40: Utility

    A selected cursor is highlighted, which can be moved freely. Cursor Both cursors can be selected and moved at the same time. The box behind the cursor displays the location of the cursor. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 41: Display

    Next Page Dotted line Off only displays the horizontal and vertical coordinates at the Grid Real line center graticule on the screen. Grid 0-15 16 ranks adjustable, with a progress bar to display. Intensity DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 42: Fast Action Buttons

    DC (if GND was chosen before); AC for the video signal; otherwise, Vertical Coupling unchanged VOLTS/DIV Adjusted The Autoset function examines all channels for signals and displays corresponding waveforms. Autoset determines the trigger source according to the following conditions. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 43: Help

    When you are at the default setup, press F1 to Undo Preset. Then the oscilloscope returns to the status before default setup. The table below gives the options, buttons and controls that change settings at default setup. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 44 Auto Coupling Level 0.00v Polarity Normal Trigger (Video) Sync All lines Standard NTSC When Set Pulse Width 1.00ms Trigger (Pulse) Polarity Positive Mode Auto Coupling Slope Rising Mode Auto Trigger (Slope) Coupling When DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 45: Multi-Functional Knobs And Buttons

    Easy to operate. F7: Push this button in single-window mode to switch between dotted line display and cross display. Push it in dual-window mode to perform autocruise. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 46: Signal Connectors

    The probe compensation ground and BNC shields connect to earth ground and are considered to be ground terminals. To avoid damages, do not connect a voltage source to any of these ground terminals. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 47: Chapter 6 Application Examples

    The oscilloscope will automatically set the waveform to a best display. If you want to further optimize the waveform display, you may manually adjust the vertical and horizontal controls until the waveform meets your particular requirement. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 48 Repeat Step 2 and Step 3. Then select other measure items. Totally 8 measure items can be displayed. Note: All readouts change with the measured signals. The figure below shows three measure items as an example. The boxes under them display the measurements in large fonts. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 49: Example 2: Taking Cursor Measurements

    Put Cursor S on the highest peak of the ring. 10. Put Cursor E on the lowest point of the ring. The amplitude of the ring will be displayed at Delta. See figures below for better understanding. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 50 Place Cursor S on the rising edge of the pulse and Cursor E on the falling edge. Thus at Delta displays the measured time and at Cursor S and Cursor E displays the time relative to the trigger. See the figure below for better understanding. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 51 Select Cursor E and turn V0 to place it at the 90% level of the waveform. 10. The Delta readout in the Cursor Menu is the rise time of the pulse. See the figure below for better understanding. 5 divisions DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 52: Example 3: Analyzing Input Signals To Eliminate Random Noise

    Push the Type option button and select Real Time. Push the Peak Detect option button. If necessary, push the DISPLAY button and set the Contrast option to view the noise more clearly. See the figure below for better understanding. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 53: Example 4: Capturing Single-Shot Signal

    Push the Peak Detect option button. Push the TRIG MENU button and select Rising for the Slope option. Then adjust the trigger level properly. Push the SINGLE SEQ button to start the acquisition. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 54: Example 5: Using X-Y Mode

    Now the oscilloscope displays a Lissajous pattern to characterize the input and output of the circuit. Turn the VOLTS/DIV and VERTICAL POSITION knobs to properly scale the waveform display. 10. Use the Lissajous's oscillographic method to observe and calculate the phase differences following the formula below. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 55: Example 6: Triggering On Pulse Width

    Push F6 to enter the next page. Select the When option button and Push F4 to select ‘=’. Push the Set Pulse Width option button. Turn V0 to set the pulse width to the value read out in Step 3. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 56: Example 7: Triggering On Video Signal

    Turn the horizontal SEC/DIV and the Vertical Position knobs to display on the screen a complete video signal triggering on a video field. The figure below shows a stable signal triggering on a video field. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 57 Turn V0 to adjust the line number (NTSC: 0-525 lines). Turn the horizontal SEC/DIV and the vertical VOLTS/DIV knobs to display on the screen a complete video signal triggering on a video line. See the figure below. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 58: Example 8: Using Slope Trigger To Capture Particular Slope Signal

    Push F1 to select OT for the Type option; push the Polarity option button to select Normal; push the Mode option button to select Auto; push the Coupling option button to select DC. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 59: Example 10: Using Math Functions To Analyze Waveforms

    Turn the horizontal SEC/DIV and the vertical VOLTS/DIV knobs to properly scale the waveform for easy check. In addition, the oscilloscope also supports the - and FFT functions. For a detailed analysis on FFT, DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 60: Example 11: Measuring Data Propagation Delay

    6.11 Example 11: Measuring Data Propagation Delay When you doubt that there appear instabilities in a serial data propagation control circuit, you can set the oscilloscope to measure the propagation delay between the enable signal and the transfer data. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 61 Select Cursor S and turn V0 to place it on the active edge of the enable signal. Select Cursor E and turn V0 to place it on the data output transition (See the figure below). 10. Read the data propagation delay in the Delta readout. DATA DATA DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 62: Chapter 7 Troubleshooting

    3) Check the trigger mode to confirm it is a right choice for the input signal. The default trigger mode is edge trigger. However, it is not suitable for all kinds of input signals. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 63: Chapter 8 Specifications

    Specifications Chapter 8 Specifications 8.1 Technical Specifications All specifications herein mentioned apply to the DSO5000P series oscilloscopes. Before checking an oscilloscope from your seller to see if it complies with these specifications, make sure it meets the following conditions: ...
  • Page 64 (Edge Trigger Type) 100MHz from 100MHz to 200MHz 1V from DC to EXT/5 100MHz; 1V from DC to 100MHz 1.75V from 100MHz to 200MHz Attenuates signals below 10Hz HF Reject Attenuates signals above 80kHz DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 65 Equal: The oscilloscope triggers when the waveform slope is equal to the set slope. Slope Trigger Point Not Equal: The oscilloscope triggers when the waveform slope is not equal to the set slope. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 66 N can be set to 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 or 128 Inputs Inputs Input Coupling DC, AC or GND Input Impedance, 1MΩ±2% in parallel with 20pF± 3pF DC coupled Probe Attenuation 1X, 10X DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 67 Supported File system Yaffs, Fat32 Buzzer Driver, DMA Driver, FPGA Driver, I2C Driver,SPI Driver, Drivers IO-bank Driver, USB Host Driver, LCD Driver, USB massstorage、 gadget Driver Linux Applications busybox1.18.4, gnupg1.4.11 U_boot Version Vivi_2.6.13 DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 68 50g, 11ms, half sine Mechanical Length 313mm Size Height 142mm Depth 108mm exclusive of packing and Weight 2.08Kg accessories Length 385mm Packing Width 200mm Height 245mm Gross Weight inclusive of all accessories About 2.5Kg DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 69: Accessories

    A software installation CD. It contains the user manual of DSO5000P, giving particular descriptions on the DSO5000P series oscilloscopes. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 70: Chapter 9 General Care And Cleaning

    2) Use a soft cloth dampened with water to clean the oscilloscope. For more efficient cleaning, you may use an aqueous solution of 75% isopropyl alcohol. Note: To avoid damage to the surface of the oscilloscope or probes, do not use any corrosive or chemical cleaning agents. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...
  • Page 71: Appendix A Harmful And Poisonous Substances Or Elements

    ‘0’ indicates that the content of this poisonous and harmful substance in all homogeneous materials of this component is refrained under the limit stated in the SJ/T 11363-2006 standard. This component list contains components approved in the file ‘Management Measures’. DSO5000P Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Manual...

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