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Carf-Models BOLD Instruction Manual page 17


Fuel tanks: Plumb the saddle tanks now.
We only use 2 lines (one in, one out). The
out line is the clunk line. Put a brass tube
in the baffle area so that the baffle cannot
damage the fuel line. The in-line will be
bent so that the tube reaches the top
corner of the fuel tank.
We plumb these saddle tanks parallel. That
means, the fuel lines and vent lines of both
tanks get connected at exactly the same
length, and one single line goes to the
header tank and the bent position at the
bottom of the fuselage. We use felt clunks
in these saddle tanks since only 50% of
the total fuel flow is pulled through each
felt clunk. You will see that with that setup
you won't get ANY air in your header tank at all. All equipment needed for the plumbing of the
saddle tanks is included in the kit. It is advisable that you take a little time and make a leak and
function test while still outside of the fuselage, so that you can permanently install them in the
fuselage with peace of mind.
It makes sense to use the included "push in fittings", simply because you can remove the fuel
lines easily and thus remove the tanks for maintenance quickly without having to cut fuel lines.
We do not supply a UAT because on these high end jets it has become normal that everyone has
it's preferred UAT and uses whatever he thinks is best. Please follow the UAT manufacturer's
instructions when plumbing and installing. UAT and fuel pump should be installed on the most
forward fixed part of the equipment board. It will help to keep the CG at the right spot.
Slide the saddle tanks from the rear into their space in the fuselage and hook them over the wing
tube. We use one or two (veeeery small) dots of PU foam to hold them in place - BUT only after all
wring has been installed. IF you have not pulled and fixed the wires for the elevator, rudder and
wing servos yet, you should do that right now, otherwise you will have to remove that integrated
engine unit one more time when the final wiring is being installed.
Installing the integrated engine unit in the fuselage
Remove the thrust tube from the carbon bypass. Then insert the carbon bypass through the stab
saddle and push it backwards through the circular hole in the rear. Hook up the thrust tube with
the 3 springs and then push the completed integrated unit forward. It could be helpful to have a

