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3.3.2. The EQ

With the audio playing, start testing the output volume (the small knob labeled
"Output" on the right-hand side of the Main panel). You have probably noticed
that there are two identical panels. The upper one is for the Left channel (or
the Mid when in Mid/Side mode - more on that later on) while the lower one is
for the Right channel. That's right - you can EQ each side differently. Move the
Output knob for the Left channel. You'll notice that the Right knob moves exactly
the same way. That's because they are "linked". The "Link" button is placed just
a bit further to the right, below the M/S and Auto Gain buttons, and is pressed.
To unlink the channels, click it. This turns it off, and the two channels are now
unlinked. Try moving the Left Output knob again. This time, the Right Output knob
remains in place.
Press the link button again. We will process the stereo file as a whole (this is
probably what you will want to do in a master bus). Now, let's start making
changes to the bands;
You have three EQ bands. The lower and upper bands are similar (shelf bands),
while the middle band is a Peak or Bell band. These are the usual EQ bands.
All have a fixed EQ curve, so you will only be able to change the frequency
and the amount of gain or attenuation. There is another important element - by
default, to remain faithful to the original units' behavior, the controls move in
fixed steps. However, you may change this by pressing the "Stepped Controls"
button in the Lower Toolbar. Do it now to change the behavior to continuous
rather than stepped.
Now, let's start by changing the middle band, labeled "Präsenz" - you might
have guessed that this is German for "presence". Bands labeled Presence were
very common in the sixties and seventies. They refer to frequencies in the
middle of the spectrum, mainly between 1 kHz and 5 kHz, but you can extend
these upwards and downwards a little. Since our hearing is very sensitive to
these bands, any change made to them will immediately be noticed. When
these bands are attenuated, the audio becomes muffled and loses clarity. When
these bands are too strong, the audio becomes strident and may cause hearing
fatigue. That's why you need to be very careful with these frequencies;
Look at the spectrum. If you see it lacks frequencies in the 800 Hz to 2 or 3 kHz
range, that's where Presence comes in handy. Even if it's OK in there, a little boost
in that range may make the audio more clear and defined. Turn the "dB" knob a
little to the right (+1.5 dB should be enough) and now turn the "kHz" knob until you
are satisfied with the results. If the audio is too bright, you may try attenuating
(turning the knob to the left, to -1.5 dB or -2 dB) to get a softer spectrum;
Just for fun, and to see what this band can do, turn the "dB" button all the way to
the left. You'll notice the audio loses clarity (becomes "muffled"). Now turn it back.
You'll feel like a curtain has opened and let the audio come in;
It will come as no surprise that the control to the left of Presence (labeled with
a quarter note below a line) changes the behavior of the lower frequencies,
while the control to the right of Presence changes the behavior of the higher
frequencies. These are switchable bands, which means that the center
frequency can only have certain pre-defined values, controlled by a switch. For
the lower frequencies, the center may be 50 Hz, 100 Hz, or 300 Hz. For the
higher frequencies, the center frequency may be 5 kHz, 10 kHz, or 30 kHz.
Fear not: sometimes, less is more. Most of the time, you may leave the center
frequency at the default value and simply adjust the gain button (labeled "dB",
like for the Presence band). That's what you will do for now;
Double click the Presence "dB" knob. This will get it back to 0. Double clicking a
control will always get it back to its default value. Now turn the lower frequency
dB knob up by +3 dB. To get a more precise movement, press control while
turning the knob. This is a common way of getting more precise values in any
continuous control;
Arturia - User Manual EQ SITRAL-295 - EQ SITRAL-295 OVERVIEW


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