Weeks - CHERUBINI Skipper LCD Instructions Manual

Multi-function remote control
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- Press "Scenario" and select a scenario from the proposed list. After selecting, the system
automatically goes back to the last screen. Otherwise, press BACK.
- Press "Time" and set the activity start time. Press BACK (or forward).
- Press BACK (or forward) to go back to the list of possible scenarios and set a new
scenario following the points from 1 to 4.
- Once you have set all the desired scenarios, press SAVE to save setups.
Each day can be linked with a maximum of 10 different scenarios.
The other items of the Modify Days menu are as follows:
- Modify: to change the name of the day.
- Delete: to delete a day.


The creation of one or more weeks is very important to be able to use the weekly automation
at a later moment (see AUTOMATION - page 36 - for further details).
How to create a new week:
Main menu / Programming / Weeks / NEW
- "Name": o customize the name of the week (maximum 16 characters). Create the
desired name using the keyboard (see page 24). To quit: ENTER.
To save the week created: SAVE.
How to associate the set days with a week:
Main menu / Programming / Weeks / CREATED WEEK / Setup days
An empty week is shown (list of 7 free days).
How to associate the desired days:
- Position the cursor on a free day and press SELECT.
- Select a day from the proposed list. After selecting, the system automatically goes back
to the last screen. Otherwise, press BACK.
- Continue by setting the other days of the week following the instructions under point 1
and point 2.
- Once you have set the desired days press SAVE to save them.
You can decide not to set all 7 days of the week. In this case, in the non-programmed days,
the remote control works in the Manual mode.
The other items of the Modify Week menu are as follows:
- Modify: to change a week's name.
- Delete: to delete a week.


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