Copyright; Safety; Intended Use; User's Responsibility - Keller ITS CellaPort PT 11 Series Operating Manual

Table of Contents


Operating manual PT 11x, 12x,13x

1.4 Copyright

This Operating Manual should be treated as confidential. It is solely in-
tended for use by persons involved with the instrument. This manual may
not be made available to a third party without prior Manufacturer's con-
sent. Please contact the Manufacturer if the need should arise.
The data, texts, charts, drawings, images or other representa-
tions contained in this manual are copyright-protected and fur-
thermore, subject to intellectual property rights. Violators will be
prosecuted. Unauthorised use and copyright infringement will
be subject to penalty by law.
Reproductions of any kind, in whole or in part, as well as the exploitation
or disclosure of this manual's content without the explicit written approval
of the Manufacturer are expressly prohibited by law. Violations shall be
subject to compensation claims by the Manufacturer. The right to claim
additional indemnities remains reserved.

2 Safety

This chapter outlines all important safety aspects to be considered for
optimum employee protection and to ensure safe and reliable operations.

Intended use

The pyrometer is solely intended for non-contact measurement of tem-
peratures as described in this manual. Any other use is not intended.
Operational safety can only be ensured when the instrument is used for
its intended purpose.
It is prohibited to use the pyrometer for any other purpose
beyond what is specified in this manual. Using the instru-
ment in any other manner will be considered as improper.
The Manufacturer/Authorised Agent shall not be held liable for any dam-
ages or loss resulting from such unintended or improper use; in this case
the risk is solely borne by the user.

User's responsibility

The pyrometer may only be used when it is in perfect working condition.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents