Appendix A: Updating Firmware - Xeos Technologies Inc. Kilo User Manual

Submersible iridium/gps beacon
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Appendix A: Updating Firmware

1. Retrieve the unit from the field
2. Remove the Kilo's Batteries
3. Update Kilo Firmware
4. Test the Kilo's ability to transmit
5. Check the device's
6. Redeploy the device
Hardware Required
 A micro-USB programming cable
 The Kilo unit with batteries removed
 A Windows PC
Software Required
 Terminal Emulator
Silicon Labs CP210x Device driver
 Kilo Firmware Update Package
o AVRdude.exe
o AVRdude.conf
o Kilo Command (.cmd) file
o Kilo Firmware (.hex) file
Kilo Connection
1. Unscrew the battery end-cap from the Kilo and set aside
2. Remove all batteries from the Kilo.
electrical damage to the Kilo
3. Carefully plug the micro-USB cable into the Kilo's connector and plug the
4. USB into the PC
5. Once it is plugged in, the Kilo may begin beeping. This is no cause for alarm; this warning
is given when the Kilo detects incorrect battery orientation and can be ignored
6. The Kilo's LED will also flash red, indicating a self-test fail due to a lack of batteries
Navigate to the computer's device manager to check if the Silicon Labs CP210x chipset is
recognized by the computer.
Kilo User Manual Version 3.0
Warning: Failure to remove batteries may cause


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