ATEX-certified motor thermal protection function with Pt100 relays (+L514+Q971) 33
9. The user must reset the faults either from the reset source defined by the user (parameter
31.11) or locally with the drive control panel:
the STO fault in the drive (if configured with drive parameter 31.22)
the motor overtemperature fault in the drive (if configured).
10. Optional: The user must reset the safety function in the FSO module with the reset
button (if a reset circuit is wired and configured).
Implementation of the manual reset
After the ATEX-certified motor thermal protection function activates, the motor must not
restart before a manual reset command is given.
The Pt100 relay is reset automatically. To comply with the ATEX requirement on manual
reset, make sure that the user cannot restart the drive without a manual reset.
You must configure the manual reset either in:
the drive with the motor overtemperature or STO indication parameters
the FSO module by connecting a reset circuit to the FSO module.
ACS880-07/17/37 and ACS880-17LC/37LC drives with the option +Q978 or +Q979
(Emergency stop): In these safety functions, a reset circuit is connected to the FSO module
and the user must reset the safety function with the emergency stop reset button. The user
must also reset the ATEX-certified motor thermal protection function with the emergency
stop reset button. Do not change this setting.
Indications of the motor thermal protection function
An indication of the safety function can come from several sources:
the motor overtemperature indication in the drive
the STO indication in the drive
the STO or SS1 indication in the FSO module.
If you want to avoid parallel indications in overtemperature situations, you can set one or
several of the indication parameters value to No indication (or None) or Event:
the motor overtemperature indication with drive parameters 31.01...31.02 or
the STO indication in the drive with drive parameter 31.22 STO indication run/stop
the STO or SS1 indication in the FSO module with FSO parameter FSOGEN.61 STO
indication ext request.
Make sure that at least one of these indications generates a fault to ensure that the required
manual reset is implemented.
Commissioning the drive for a motor in a hazardous area
Commission the drive according to the requirements and limitations set by the application,
the motor manufacturer's instructions, drive firmware manual, local laws and regulations
and this manual.
The certificate of the Ex motor typically requires that you set a minimum limit for the output
switching frequency of the drive. Make sure that the Ex motor is operated above the minimum
output switching frequency specified by the motor manufacturer.
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