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Hamamatsu Photonics C2400 Instruction Manual page 40

Microscope video camera
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/ 4 / 6 / / ) 6 f i i a //.5-/./
v,6eD )019c.,- r:
8.1 P r e l i m i n a r y
8 . 2 A d j u s t m e n t
o f
V i d e o L e v e l l i k e w i s e degrade image quality and if too high, can result in permanent
(1) C o n f i r m t h a t all cables are properly connected. (Refer to Section
for cable connection.)
(2) P r e s e t each control on the front panel as specified below:
(a) Turn the GAIN control knob fully counterclockwise.
(b) Turn the OFFSET control knob fully clockwise.
(c) Turn the SENSITIVITY control knob fully counterclockwise.
(d) Set the VIDEO SELECT switch to the neutral (middle) position.
(e) Set the SHADING switch to the OFF position.
Turn on the TV monitor and confirm that the POWER pilot lamp
is lit. Adjust the CONTRAST control and BRIGHTNESS control to
a position in which the raster lines can be clearly observed. It will
take aproximately 20 to 30 seconds for raster to appear on the screen
after power is turned on.
Ensure that the light path to the camera head is blocked.
Turn on the CCU power switch and confirm that the green POWER
LED is lit on the front panel. If the display picture rolls, adjust the
H. H O L D control and/or the V. HOLD control of the TV monitor.
light intensity directed to the camera faceplate is critical. To o little
l i g h t will result in a p o o r quality image. Excessive light intensity w i l l
damage to the image tube.
The -00, -03 and -08 camera heads are particularly susceptible
to damage from excessive light intensity •,•*.
(1) M i n i m i z e image intensity
(2) D i r e c t light to the camera head
(3) S l o w l y increase the image intensity until the green video level in-
dicator comes o n . T h i s p o i n t represents the minimum intensity
needed to produce a high quality image.
(4) C o n t i n u e to carefully increase image intensity until the red LED just
begins to come on. This condition represents the optimal image
* F o r -00, -03 Camera Heads
These imaging tubes employ a target w i t h adjustable voltage. I n -
creasing the voltage to the target (SENSITIVITY) results in increased
tube sensitivity. The highest quality image i s obtained w h e n t h e
SENSITIVITY control is turned to its minimum position (fully coun-
terclockwise). Increased target voltage results in a poorer S/N, re-
duced dynamic range and increased lag; therefore, the SENSITIVITY
control should be increased only when the imaging system cannot
supply enough illumination o r i t is intentionally desired t o reduce
object illumination. In this case, increase the sensitivity until the upper
range of the green LED is reached.

