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Maxwell Digital Multimeters 25303 User Manual page 4


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1. LCD: display the measuring value and unit.
2. Function key
2-1. Power and backlight switch: turn on/off the
power and backlight.
2-2. PK HOLD key: press it, the max. of presently
measured value is held on LCD and PH symbol
displays. Press it again, PH symbol disappears,
and the meter is exited the holding mode.
2-3. Transistor test jack.
2-4. DC/AC key set DC or AC working mode.
3. Range knob: to select measuring function
and range.
4. Voltage, resistance and frequency port
5. Common measuring port (COM)
6. Port for measuring current less than 200mA
7. Port for measuring current 20A
• The signs near the connectors warn if the inward
voltage or current values are above the set values.
These help to avoid damage to the inner circuits.
• Set the proper function with the function selection
switch before measuring.
• If you do not know the measured value range, set
the switch to the highest available setting and go
backwards until you reach the proper setting.
DC and AC voltage measurement
• Connect the black wire to the „COM" connector and
the red one to the „VΩHz" connector.
• By default the automatic range switch is active, which
is indicated by the AUTO sign on the display. You can
set the following ranges manually by pressing the
RANGE button: 400 mV/4 V/40 V/400 V/1000 V.
• Set the function selection switch to the proper
V setting and connect the wires parallelly for the
DC and AC current measurement
• Connect the black wire to the „COM", and the red one
to the „mA" or „10A" connectors for 400 mA or 10A
• Set the proper range with the function switch.
• Connect the connectors to the power source serial.
• To measure current between 400 mA and 10 A follow
the instructions above, but connect the red wire to
the „10A" connector.
Resistance measurement
• Connect the black wire to the „COM" and the red one
to the „V/ΩHz" connector.
• Set the function switch to resistance range.
• Connect the wires parallelly.
• Press the "RANGE" button for selecting the
automatic/manual range.
Warning: Make sure the measured circuit is not
under power!
Capacity measurement
• Set the function selection switch to the -ll- setting.
• Press the „REL" button to clear the display.
• Connect the black wire to the „COM" and the red
one to the „V/Ω" connector. Touch the wires to the
connectors of the capacitor. Pay attention to the
Capacity measurement has automatic range
Unit: 1 nF=10
μF or 1000 pF.
Do not connect an external voltage source or a
charged capacitor (especially high capacity ones)
to the connectors. Discharge the capacitors before
measurement. Electrolyte capacitors should be
discharged multiple times.
Diode and continuity test
• Connect the black wire to the „COM" connector and
the red one to the „VΩHz" connector. (Note: the
polarity of the red wire is +)
• Set the function switch to the
• In diode test touch the wires to the connectors of
the diode. The display shows the
of the diode.
• In continuity test connect the wires to the two points
of the circuit. If the resistance is below 50 Ω, the
device will beep.
Transistor hFE test
• Set the function switch to the hFE position.
• Determine whether the transistor is NPN or PNP and
or „
" position.
opening voltage

