What's On The Module; Digi Connect Wi-Wave Module Edge Connector - Digi Connect Wi-Wave Hardware Reference Manual

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What's on the module?

W h a t ' s o n t h e m o d u l e ?
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The Digi Connect Wi-Wave module edge connector is a 52-pin connector whose
Digi Connect Wi-
Wave module
pinout follows the standard PCI Express Mini Card edge connector pinout as stated
edge connector
in the PCI Express Mini Card Electromechanical Specification, Revision 1.1, with this
exception: JTAG signals are mapped onto pins 45, 47, 49, and 51. These signals are
reserved and not intended for user applications.
Connect Wi-Wave Hardware Reference, Rev. A, 2/2008
U.FL connectors
Edge connector, P3


Table of Contents

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