Star Micronics 4111 Applications Manual page 175

Star micronics laser printer applications manual
Table of Contents


N ~•
networks, 40
number of copies command, 44
LINE button, 13
optional fonts, 2, 36
orientation. See font orientation
outline fonts, 32
page design. 35
page formatting commands, 20-2S,
page Iength commands, 46-47
page orientation. See font orientation
paper, 21-22
continuous-form. 20
paper feed parameter, 14,20-22
paper size. 20
paper weight, 21
parallel interface, 3, 16
parameters, 13-26,98
character, 25-26
GJJ2, 98
page, 22-24
printer, 13-16
parity bit, 17
pattern graphics, 87-92
pen control commands, 107, 109
perforation region, 49
pica characters, 29
picas, 28
picture frame, 100
pitch, 25, 29, 33, 63, 69
plot size, 101
point size, 2, 25, 28
polygon commands, I IO-I 12
popping print position, 60
portrait orientation. See font orientation
primary fonts. 61
print density, 21
print drum, 4
print engine, 4
Print Pattern command, 89
print position commands, 24, 51-61
print spoolers, 39
printer control commands, 43-46
printer drivers, 6.9,26
printer parameters, 13-16
PROGRAM button, 16
proportional spacing, 25,29,69
protocol, 18
pushing print position, 60
R j
'RAM,3, 32, 39,40
random access memory. See RAM
raster graphics, 84-87
read-only memory. See ROM
READY light, 13
reset command, 44
resident fonts. See internal fonts
right margin command, 48
ROM, 3
reman style. See style commands
rules, 88-90
scalable fonts, 2, 3 I
scale command, 104-105
secondary fonts, 61
Self Test command, 43
serial interface, 3, 16-18
side margin commands, 48
spacing, 25, 29, 63, 69. See also line
spacing commands; monospacing;
proportional spacing
Specify Macro ID command, 93-95
Specify Pattern command, 89
stop bit, 18
stroke weight. 26, 27, 33, 7 I


Table of Contents

This manual is also suitable for:

Laserprinter 4iii

Table of Contents